Ajuntament de Barcelona | Capital humàEl web de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona


Selection process in English? Get ready!

Increasingly, the labor market is multilingual and Barcelona Activa is also. That is why, within our agenda, you will be able to regularly find activities that are taught in English in order to prepare us if they ask us to use this language during a selection process.

Do you have to conduct an interview in English? Do you have to prepare a presentation?

Learn about our activities in English!

The CV & Cover letter: how to stand out (x2)

Planning to work abroad? Looking for a job here? Learn how to struture your CV and design your cover letter according to your needs and goals. Recompose your CV with new ideas that will make you stand out and know what's trendy in HR world.


The job interview: types & useful tips (x2)

Find out what is really on stake during the job inerview. Jump over the table and know from HR angle what they really want from you. And how to excel in providing it. Be ready to interact with other participants.


Smart Speaker: how to design and deliver effective presentations

Conducted in English, this program discusses the key principles for the preparation, design, and delivery of effective business presentations, promoting success in all types of persuasive communication.


Power talk: communicating with clarity, relevance and impact (x2)

Communication is one of the most important skills in today's competitive business landscape. The difference between success and failure often depends on how well you present yourself, your message, and your value in order to influence others and achieve results.


Effective networking: The art of the elevator pitch (x2)
In this interactive workshop conducted in English you will learn and apply the principles of effective networking, enjoying in-class time to develop, practice, and improve your own customized self-marketing presentation.

Accessos ràpids i copyright:

Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

De dilluns a divendres de 9 a 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE