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Job interview and research process

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ON07 Online - The selection process: a 360º view

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

This course is aimed at giving an overview of what a selection process is from the point of view of the different people involved: the candidate and the recruiter/company.

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ON27 Online - Recruitment and selection of people in the age of Web 4.0.

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course gives you an overview of recruiting and selecting people in the age of Web 4.0. You will discover the channels that companies use to attract talent, how to improve your professional profile on the internet, and new trends such as inbound recruiting, virtual reality or gamification. At the same time, take good note of these tips if you want to successfully approach a videoconference interview.

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ON06 Online - FAQs: Prepare yourself for the interview

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will analyze the questions you may be asked in a job interview. What are the types of questions and how should they be answered. We will also talk about the importance of taking an active role in the interview to have an idea of how it was.

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ON46 Online - Find a job using storytelling

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this course, we will focus on the power of storytelling. Stories allow you to capture the attention of the listener, establish an emotional connection with them and establish communication based on empathy. That is why storytelling can make a difference if you use it during the job search process. Learn the strategies to use it properly.

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ON04 Online - The two faces of the job interview

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will analyze in depth the most common types of job interviews in which we can find ourselves, as well as the influence that the type of selection professionalcan have on us in how it is developed. Finally, we will analyze the role of verbal and nonverbal communication, and at what level they influence the image that we transmit in the interview.

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ON10 Online - Theory and practice of selection tests

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Theory and practice of selection tests" is a course that aims to give you an overview of what a selection process is and what goes into analyzing the different tests that you may come across. It is a course that will provide you with tools and strategies to know the different phases and general tests of the selection process, with the aim of being able to arrive better prepared and have a more solid base to face them.

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ON26 Online - How to approach videoconferencing interviews

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

With this course, you will learn what differentiates a videoconference interview from a face-to-face interview and what aspects you need to consider in both verbal and non-verbal communication. In addition, we will provide you with a series of technical recommendations for making technology your ally when a job is at stake.

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ON05 Online - Show the great value of your skills in the selection process

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Show the great value of your skills in the selection process" is a course in which we analyze the key role of professional skills and we will explain why more and more companies include the evaluation of these in their selection processes. In this course we will also see how we can identify the professional skills to create our competential profile and, once these points are analyzed, we will explain how we can show it in the job search tools and in the most important phase of the selection process, the interview.

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ON11 Online - Prepare to be selected

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Prepare to be selected" is a course in which we will talk about a part of the job search that has a fundamental effect on the selection process: the attitude and the role it plays in all the phases of the selection. In this course we will also see how we can identify our emotions and give you practical advice and tools to get them to play in our favor in the selection process. In addition, I will explain how we can learn from mistakes, in case we do not successfully overcome the process.

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RF115 - Practica l'entrevista per competències

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

A diferència de l'entrevista tradicional, que està centrada en aspectes com els coneixements, l'experiència o el nivell educatiu, a l'entrevista per competències es valoren altres habilitats necessàries per al lloc de treball. Saps quines preguntes et poden fer? Practiquem. 

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RF57 - Aula Virtual - The job interview: types & useful tips

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

Get to know the ins and outs of a job interview. Jump over the table and see things from an HR perspective, what interviewers want from you and how to provide it.

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RF87 - Preguntes incòmodes a l'entrevista de feina

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

A la responsabilitat d'afrontar una entrevista sovint se li suma la incertesa d'haver d'afrontar preguntes que ens descol·loquen i que no sabem com respondre. Et preocupa com reaccionar o què respondre a les preguntes incòmodes a l'entrevista de feina? Saps quines preguntes són interessants que facis tu a qui selecciona? Vine i resol els dubtes!

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RF122 - Practica l'entrevista i impacta amb l´Storytelling

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

En una entrevista cal saber comunicar el relat del nostre CV i crear una emoció en la persona entrevistadora. La forma com narrem situacions o anècdotes, alhora que proporcionem la informació més rellevant, farà l'entrevista més amena i dinàmica. Aplicar tècniques narratives és una forma original de diferenciar-se d´altres professionals amb un perfil similar. Vine i practica l'entrevista!

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ON07 Online - The selection process: a 360º view

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

This course is aimed at giving an overview of what a selection process is from the point of view of the different people involved: the candidate and the recruiter/company.

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ON27 Online - Recruitment and selection of people in the age of Web 4.0.

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course gives you an overview of recruiting and selecting people in the age of Web 4.0. You will discover the channels that companies use to attract talent, how to improve your professional profile on the internet, and new trends such as inbound recruiting, virtual reality or gamification. At the same time, take good note of these tips if you want to successfully approach a videoconference interview.

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ON06 Online - FAQs: Prepare yourself for the interview

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will analyze the questions you may be asked in a job interview. What are the types of questions and how should they be answered. We will also talk about the importance of taking an active role in the interview to have an idea of how it was.

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ON46 Online - Find a job using storytelling

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this course, we will focus on the power of storytelling. Stories allow you to capture the attention of the listener, establish an emotional connection with them and establish communication based on empathy. That is why storytelling can make a difference if you use it during the job search process. Learn the strategies to use it properly.

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ON04 Online - The two faces of the job interview

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will analyze in depth the most common types of job interviews in which we can find ourselves, as well as the influence that the type of selection professionalcan have on us in how it is developed. Finally, we will analyze the role of verbal and nonverbal communication, and at what level they influence the image that we transmit in the interview.

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ON10 Online - Theory and practice of selection tests

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Theory and practice of selection tests" is a course that aims to give you an overview of what a selection process is and what goes into analyzing the different tests that you may come across. It is a course that will provide you with tools and strategies to know the different phases and general tests of the selection process, with the aim of being able to arrive better prepared and have a more solid base to face them.

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ON26 Online - How to approach videoconferencing interviews

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

With this course, you will learn what differentiates a videoconference interview from a face-to-face interview and what aspects you need to consider in both verbal and non-verbal communication. In addition, we will provide you with a series of technical recommendations for making technology your ally when a job is at stake.

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ON05 Online - Show the great value of your skills in the selection process

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Show the great value of your skills in the selection process" is a course in which we analyze the key role of professional skills and we will explain why more and more companies include the evaluation of these in their selection processes. In this course we will also see how we can identify the professional skills to create our competential profile and, once these points are analyzed, we will explain how we can show it in the job search tools and in the most important phase of the selection process, the interview.

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ON11 Online - Prepare to be selected

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Prepare to be selected" is a course in which we will talk about a part of the job search that has a fundamental effect on the selection process: the attitude and the role it plays in all the phases of the selection. In this course we will also see how we can identify our emotions and give you practical advice and tools to get them to play in our favor in the selection process. In addition, I will explain how we can learn from mistakes, in case we do not successfully overcome the process.

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RF115 - Practica l'entrevista per competències

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

A diferència de l'entrevista tradicional, que està centrada en aspectes com els coneixements, l'experiència o el nivell educatiu, a l'entrevista per competències es valoren altres habilitats necessàries per al lloc de treball. Saps quines preguntes et poden fer? Practiquem. 

Next editions

RF87 - Preguntes incòmodes a l'entrevista de feina

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

A la responsabilitat d'afrontar una entrevista sovint se li suma la incertesa d'haver d'afrontar preguntes que ens descol·loquen i que no sabem com respondre. Et preocupa com reaccionar o què respondre a les preguntes incòmodes a l'entrevista de feina? Saps quines preguntes són interessants que facis tu a qui selecciona? Vine i resol els dubtes!

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RF122 - Practica l'entrevista i impacta amb l´Storytelling

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

En una entrevista cal saber comunicar el relat del nostre CV i crear una emoció en la persona entrevistadora. La forma com narrem situacions o anècdotes, alhora que proporcionem la informació més rellevant, farà l'entrevista més amena i dinàmica. Aplicar tècniques narratives és una forma original de diferenciar-se d´altres professionals amb un perfil similar. Vine i practica l'entrevista!

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RF57 - Aula Virtual - The job interview: types & useful tips

Monosessió | Teacher: Psicotec

Get to know the ins and outs of a job interview. Jump over the table and see things from an HR perspective, what interviewers want from you and how to provide it.

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Calendari d'Activitats

Anterior September , 2024 Següent

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