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Barcelona Activa, near you

Comprehensive neighbourhood assistance measures: guidance and training

The career guidance and job search advice points in the Comprehensive Neighbourhood Assistance Measures are personalised assistance resources located in various neighbourhoods for local residents who are looking for a job. In order to optimise this service, we pay close attention to the sectors which generate the most opportunities, so that we can shape our training programme accordingly.

Fill in this formand we will contact you.

Who can take part?

Requirements for accessing the service:

· People registered as job seekers at the Public Employment Service (SOC)
· Residents in one of the following priority neighbourhoods:

- El Besòs i el Maresme (Sant Martí)
- El Bon Pastor, Baró de Viver, La Trinitat Vella (Sant Andreu)
- Torre Baró, Ciutat Meridiana, Les Roquetes (Nou Barris)
- Santa Caterina, Sant Pere- La Ribera, El Raval, La Barceloneta (Ciutat Vella)
- La Bordeta, La Marina de Port, El Poble-sec (Sants-Montjuïc)

Find the advice point closest to you

What are we offering you?

- Information about employment resources and services
- Personalised employment advice and guidance
- Training and work experience in companies
- Access to job offers

Want to take part?

Fill in this formand we will contact you.

If you want more information
- send us an email at
- call us or send us a WhatsApp on 667 180 663
We will answer your query within the shortest possible time.

Do you want to know more? What can you gain by taking part? We tell you in thisvídeo

Aquesta acció està impulsada i subvencionada pel Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC) amb Fons rebuts del Servei Públic d'Ocupació Estatal (SEPE)

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Coneix Treball als Barris

Quick access and copyright:

Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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