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Migration process advisor


Migration advisors provide information, guidance and support to non-European Union migrant people, refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons on the process for their arrival, legalisation, and integration into the society and community of the host country. This advice is of both a legal and social nature, and aims to facilitate the integration process for foreign residents, in the full range of personal issues (cultural, employment, etc.). Similarly, migration advisors perform activities to facilitate foreigners' incorporation and integration into society, raising awareness and promoting interculturalism.


  • Advise and provide information to migrant groups and in the host society, in order to ensure proper integration processes. Provide guidance and information on bureaucratic, administrative and legal procedures that must be carried out in order to legalise migrant people in the host society.
    Oversee and handle the processing of paperwork and legal procedures that must be completed in order to ensure the legalisation of migrant groups in the host society.
    Provide practical information about the network of resources (housing, education, language courses, etc.) to address migrant people's most immediate needs in the arrival phase.
    Provide information about and oversee the procedures for family reunification applications.
    Provide legal and administrative advice to companies or individuals who wish to hire migrant people.
    Stay up-to-date with and abreast of all developments and information related to migration legislation and the associated bureacratic processes.
  • Collaborate and liaise with other organisations that provide information and orientation services for migrant people, in order to grant the migrant population access to services and resources that meet their needs.
    Identify formal and informal support networks established by immigrant groups, depending on their countries of origin.
    Promote the migrant population's access to all normal public services.
  • Provide migrant people with social and employment-related guidance and advice in order to facilitate their economic and social integration.
    Facilitate knowledge of the market economy system and its institutions.
    Provide information about the types and nature of employment contracts, according to current legislation.
    Provide labour-law information about rights relating to employment (unemployment benefits, financial support, etc).
    Oversee specific individuals or organisations working in the area of labour orientation and integration, to help migrant people improve their employability and their prospects of accessing the job market.
    Monitor and oversee labour integration processes.
  • Bridge the gap between the host society and the different groups that make up the migrant population by performing tasks that foster mutual knowledge, respect and integration between different cultural systems (habits, customs, religion, foklore, values, etc.).
    Provide advice and information to the decision-making departments of those administrative organisations who so request, in order to include the perspective of the different cultures represented by the migrant population in social policies (education, health care, teaching, etc.).
    Provide technical support for professionals from any field whose work involves different cultural groups (teachers, educators, social workers and assistants, etc.) in order to foster a heightened understanding of the cultural systems and values of the groups they deal with.
    Schedule, design and lead actions to foster cultural integration, a culture of diversity and the fight against xenophobia in various fields, amongst both the migrant population and natives (talks, seminars, workshops, conferences, parties, cultural events, etc.).

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE