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Furniture and lights designer


The industrial designer of furniture and lighting is in charge of designing and technically developing any product related to furniture and lighting for homes and communities, both technical and urban. Products that we could classify in two categories. The more aesthetic and formal products for domestic use, and the more functional and technical products for communities or urban areas.


  • Analysis of the project, company and market.
    Before starting the project, the designer analyses the briefing or document in which the design objectives are specified, the positioning of the product and client company and, lastly, the most direct competition.
    During this phase, the designer, together with external consultancies, can conduct studies prior to the preliminary plan that make it possible to create a highly-innovative environment, as well as studies on trends, technologies, usability, sustainability, ergonomics, use habits, etc.
  • The furniture and lighting sector is very saturated, with enough manufacturers and constant launches. As a result, the designer who works in this market has extensive knowledge of what exists and thus requires a good definition of the project in order to achieve differentiated products. If the commission is purely stylistic, some of the possible design objectives would be: which style or image is desired, whether the project aims to be technologically innovative, or whether the goal is to innovate with new functions and uses.
  • Preliminary plan to design or prepare the first hypotheses.
    The designer makes various formal creative and aesthetic proposals based on 3D renders.
    They present technical details in order to show the new technical developments or the constructive feasibility, as well as the drawings limited with general measurements in order to be able to better explain the preliminary plan.
    They also select and propose materials and finishes. Sometimes, if the briefing or definition of the commission is very open or vaguely defined, the preliminary plan must be accompanied by panels or transparencies of images suggesting the style or atmosphere of the product being presented. Images of lifestyles and recognised brands with the same positioning, etc. can explain the market segment to which the product being presented is aimed.
  • Design project.
    Once the way in which the work will be carried out is decided, they introduce possible finishing touches and carry out the technical project.
    During this phase, the materials that are usually presented are detailed drawings and set drawings, technical construction specifications and volume mock-ups, if necessary.
  • Monitoring of the project industrialisation.
    Monitor the industrialisation and pre-production (if it exists), resolve and carry out possible changes that may be needed.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE