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Director of centres for the elderly


These professionals manage spaces for care and assistance to the elderly within the framework of a partial or total host institution, such as day centres or geriatric residences, among others.

In this sense, they plan and organise the activities and resources of their institution in accordance with established quality and health parameters to guarantee the correct provision of the services offered to the elderly.


Organise and supervise the correct operation of the service.
  • Draw up specific work objectives on the basis of the general management planning, establishing, where appropriate, the calendar, the persons in charge and suitable follow-up for each area of intervention of the centre (health, leisure, sports, etc.).
  • Assess, at least annually, the degree of quality of the services and the level of satisfaction of users.
  • Keep the official documentation of the centre up to date, as well as all user details, ensuring that established legal requirements are fulfilled.
  • Coordinate care of users provided by other services, organisations and similar institutions (such as the welfare departments of public administrations).
  • Organise the contracting of services or products with suppliers external to the organisation (catering, recreational services, sports and leisure).

Plan and manage the service.
  • Plan services in relation to the persons served within their organisation, assigning tasks and functions.
  • Assess the needs of the patients and the care provided, as well as any changes which may occur during their stay.
  • Supervise and guarantee comprehensive care, quality, comfort and safety for all users.
  • Ensure compliance with the rights of the resident person and that the persons cared for in the residence enter and stay willingly.
  • Manage regular meetings to monitor objectives among all workers in the organisation.
  • Encourage the participation of the resident's relatives in the planning of centre activities.
  • Respond to complaints and suggestions made by residents or their relatives.

Represent the service or centre externally
, establishing contacts with companies, organisations or administrations in order to promote or arrange the provision of services.

Carry out continuous training activities
to keep up to date with potential innovations in the field of care for the elderly, in order to improve the services provided in the centre.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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