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The person in charge of waste transport transfers urban and dangerous waste from the producing centre to the management plant, according to the rules settled by the producing or owner company.
This is a qualified professional having a special authorization issued by the competent Administration and, when transporting dangerous goods, a ADR orange card is required in order to legally transport any kind of dangerous good for international ground transport.


  • Transports the waste to the indicated plant. If waste is not accepted, for any reason, it must be returned to the origin.
  • Identifies and checks documentation related to urban waste and hazardous waste transport: tracking sheet, itinerant tracking sheet (in case of multiple collections on the same route), certification for waste admittance, which are delivered by the management waste company. Controls documentation waste adequacy, considering both characteristics and quantities established, in accordance with waste management regulations.
  • Understands the supplementary written information on the waste monitoring sheet about the characteristics and specific dangers of the goods being transported, and the action protocol in case of any accident (safety data sheet).
  • Fills and maintains data compulsory registration regarding the transport activities.
  • Ensures own and others safety in loading operations, conditioning, unloading and transport of waste from origin to destination.
  • Fulfils the requirements and obligations necessary for goods transport, that is, civil liability for accidental damages and losses that may be caused in the environment. If applicable, transport waste according to the Regulations of dangerous goods.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE