Inici > Eines > Canals de recerca de feina
Where are job offers posted? Do you know where to go to look for a job?
At present, there are different channels that post job offers: job website portals, job banks, recruiting companies, the press... Every channel has its own characteristics and specific features. It is worth knowing them in-depth to then identify the most suitable channels for you and the job you are looking for, in order to perform a more effective and efficient search.
In this section you will find a wide range of channels, sorted by different criteria, which will help you in your job search.
4 results for options Job expert search portals.
03-2024 | | Catalan | beginner
Feina Activa és el portal d'ocupació del Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya, ( SOC) per facilitar l'accés a les ofertes de feina per a persones que estiguin en recerca de
03-2024 | | Spanish | beginner
Borsa de treball online que ofereix un elevat volum d'ofertes laborals al Barcelonès de tots els sectors professionals, però especialment dels sectors TIC, Logística i Serveis a les empreses.
03-2024 | | Spanish | beginner
Portal públic d'ocupació del Servicio de Empleo Publico Estatal ( SEPE). Pots trobar ofertes de feina a nivell de tot l'estat.
03-2024 | | Spanish | beginner
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Recerca de feina
Wednesday January 29, 2025. 09:00
Wednesday January 29, 2025. 09:00
Wednesday January 29, 2025. 09:30
Thursday January 30, 2025. 15:30
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h