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3D animator


3D animators use computer software to create three-dimensional images of characters or objects that, when viewed as a sequence, create a sensation of movement. 3D animation is most widely used in the world of industrial design, scientific research and, above all, the culture and entertainment industry, where it has played a prominent role since it first began being used a few years ago. Within this industry, animation is used to make films, videos, videogames, websites and general multimedia products. Traditional animators produced their animations with paper and pencil, and indeed continue to do so today. However, to create three-dimensional animations it is necessary to use computer software that makes it possible to generate more realistic and complex images. It is thus worth noting that in order to carry out their work, 3D animators must boast training and proficiency in the use of specialised software.


  • Digitise material which will serve as the basis for the animation.
    Scan drawings by traditional animators or comic strip creators to digital format. In some cases, these original drawings may have been done by the 3D animator, but they are normally done by another draughtsman.
    Using special software, import real objects or physical models to be integrated into the animation in digital format.
  • Animate the digitised material.
    Manipulate static images of both objects and characters in order to create the illusion of three-dimensional movement.
    Using the drawings produced by in-betweeners (who marks the position and movement of characters, objects, the scenery and backgrounds across different frames) and specific software, create animated scenes with three-dimensional movement. In some cases, the in-betweens may be drawn by the animator himself, but they are normally done by another draughtsman.
  • Add effects to the animation.
    Use special effects such as manipulating the light and shadow, reflections and transparencies, in order to make the animated elements look more realistic.
    Perfect the movements and forms given to the source material by the computer, using these effects.
  • Help edit the final product.
    Under the supervision of the animation director, put together and pre-edit the final audiovisual or multimedia product.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE