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3D animator
3D animators use computer software to create three-dimensional images of characters or objects that, when viewed as a sequence, create a sensation of movement. 3D animation is most widely used in the world of industrial design, scientific research and, above all, the culture and entertainment industry, where it has played a prominent role since it first began being used a few years ago. Within this industry, animation is used to make films, videos, videogames, websites and general multimedia products. Traditional animators produced their animations with paper and pencil, and indeed continue to do so today. However, to create three-dimensional animations it is necessary to use computer software that makes it possible to generate more realistic and complex images. It is thus worth noting that in order to carry out their work, 3D animators must boast training and proficiency in the use of specialised software.
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h