Sociocultural activities coordinators organise, encourage and evaluate social and cultural intervention projects aimed at the development of personal and group autonomy of collectives. To do this, they apply group dynamics techniques and use community, cultural and leisure resources. In addition, they encourage communication and collaboration between groups of individuals who organise themselves to respond to their personal and social interests and needs.
The objective of these professionals is to create spaces for coexistence, relationship networks, community participation, enjoyment of leisure and culture and to promote solidarity. To achieve this, they work in two lines: on one side, they seek to maintain personal activity, understood as participation in family, community and social environments, as well as the development of physical and mental tasks; and on the other side, they carry out tasks of prevention of situations of dependency and social exclusion through social and community intervention projects, especially in vulnerable groups.
Depending on the specific field of intervention and the characteristics of the people with whom they work, their job will focus on community animation, socio-educational and leisure animation, tourist animation, children's and youth entertainment, animation for the elderly or animation in rural areas.
More specifically, these professionals focus their professional activities on areas such as culture, training and leisure (travel, cultural facilities and entities, etc.), health (health and prevention programmes, healthy exercises, etc.), new technologies (introduction to the use of ICT, adapted vehicles, telecare, etc.), sports (companies specialising in adapted sports activities, etc.) and interact permanently with social services, institutions and entities involved in projects of social intervention: public administrations, centres and spaces for the elderly and young people, civic centres, libraries, urban gardens and non-profit organisations such as associations, social initiative cooperatives and foundations, among others.
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h