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ICT coordinator


ICT educators perform tasks aiming to build up, promote and extend the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and robotics amongst citizens, both via introductory, beginners and training activities aimed at specific groups and by developing digital/multimedia content online and in other similar formats.


  • Offer training on how to use new information and communication technologies and in robotics.
    Design, plan and run training sessions, in line with the needs identified amongst the groups of people they work with. These sessions should aim to introduce participants to the possibilities and resources available on the internet and other information and communication technologies or robotics, while also offering them practical training so as to be able to use the net (browsing, interaction, search engines, online shopping, etc.).
    Select, adapt or create teaching tools and resources depending on users' attributes.
    He/She also monitors the results and impact of these training sessions.
  • In a formal learning context, select, adapt or create teaching tools and resources depending on users' attributes and ages.
  • Promote and foster the creation of citizen networks, and help make information and communication networks available to all groups, as a tool for citizen participation.
    Guide and support civil society organisations with regards to the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies, so as to help extend their use in citizen participation processes and foster new forms of dialogue with public administrations.
    Guide and support public administrations and other similar organisations to help them employ information and communication technologies in citizen advice and relations services (procedures, transactions, etc.).
  • Liaise with the various bodies responsible for producing sociocultural content and other IT resources, ensuring these are made available to people in their area.
    Raise awareness of the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies to improve operational efficiency among the various organisations and associations that make up the social community in their area. Simultaneously, coordinate resources for joint initiatives aimed at citizens.
    Encourage the various organisations and associations that make up the social community within their area to provide as much information as possible about their activities and services online, improving citizen access to it.
  • Produce and disseminate online content of interest to their area.
    Produce website content for civil organisations and associations located in their field of operation, so as to increase the amount of online resources available to their users.
  • Participate in social and labour integration programmes aimed at the community.
    Guide job seekers with regards to the resources available online, helping to improve their methods for gaining access to employment (online job websites, employment sites, etc.).
    Liaise with other labour orientation and integration professionals to design and implement joint and complementary initiatives as part of the various programmes for job seekers.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE