Those who show a preference for the field of communication are interested in the generation and dissemination of information. This information, however, can have various purposes: provide information on events and occurrences, generate public opinion on a certain topic or promote and publicise a service or product. Carrying out these activities requires knowledge of various techniques aimed at communication, persuasion and marketing.
People who work in the field of training are interested in transmitting knowledge, responsibilities and values through learning techniques and educational processes, with a view to helping others develop their skills and abilities. Activities that are specific to this field include prior assessment of the student's characteristics and needs, design of the teaching materials, as well as monitoring and support during the learning process.
New technologies
People who show an interest in this field are motivated by the development and advanced use of new technologies in any of their applications (software, hardware, telecommunications) from an innovative perspective and in accordance with the continuous updates of technologies, programmes and equipment that appear on the market. The design, installation, management and maintenance of computer systems and new technologies are activities specific to this field.
Social community worker
Individuals related to the social/community field have an interest in working to improve people's social well-being and quality of life, as well as enhance their integration into their social, family and/or work environment. The professional activities that are common in this field include providing special support and aid to people at risk of social exclusion, designing programmes and implementing resources for the social and cultural stimulation of an area, and acting as mediators for conflict resolution in family, social or interpersonal environments. These activities involve constant interaction with people in order to improve their psychological and social well-being.