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These professionals supervise the development of any digital process to be included in the scenes of a film or other audiovisual product. Therefore, they can be considered to be involved in all stages of a production: both pre-production and shooting and post-production process.

In the initial or pre-production phase, their role is artistic, and they are involved in the design of paints, effects or compositions that will later be produced by the team of artists in his charge, defining the creative side of the audiovisual product (features, contents and technical and formal aspects). They also write the technical script (in which all of these aspects are laid out), create sequences and digital shots, make layouts (composites of still images in which key features such as backgrounds, characters, the montage of scenes and others are defined) and animatics (animated mock-up that is used as to test the rhythm and duration of the product) and propose solutions to possible problems that may arise in the creation or integration.

In the shooting and post-production phases, they perform more technical tasks and their main function is to develop technical and aesthetic solutions for the sequences, which include digitally created movements, geometries, perspectives and the way in which objects and scenes are seen on screen, among others. In the last phase, they work in close coordination with other professionals, such as those in photography direction, artistic engineering in digital realization or visual effects supervision in order to guarantee the integration of the final product.


  • Manage the digital creation process.
    Together with the pre-production team, decide what computer programmes will be used to develop the techniques and specific tools required in a digital audiovisual production.
    Oversee the writing of the technical script, including the sequences and shots.
    Create the 2D storyboard (define shots, still images, frames and animation notes).
    Create the animatics, which serve as an animated mock-up of what the final product is going to be like.
    Create the animation layouts (composites of still images in which key features such as backgrounds, characters, the montage of scenes and others are defined).
  • Oversee the digital creation process.
    Plan the movements, geometry and view of the objects and of computer-generated scenes that are to be integrated into the final audiovisual product.
    Design and create paints, effects, geometries, lighting, objects, virtual sets and even programmes for the composition of digital sequences.
    Collaborate with the art department on the construction of elements and characters for animation.
    Select virtual lenses and supervise the artists responsible for taking care of the virtual movements of the camera.
    Supervise the people responsible for carrying out the creative work (both artists and technical assistants) and object modelling (meshes and textures) in order to ensure that the initial plans are being met.
  • Integrate digital processes into the final product.
    Design the shots so as to achieve the effects of real, traditional camera equipment.
    Determine solutions to be carried out for each shot and oversee the rotoscope artists and their assistants.
    Outline how pre-production creative work should be produced and edited in order to be properly integrated into the final product.
    Monitor the texture, proportions and colour of objects, the technical aspects of special effects and simulations. They also review the final images.
    Together with the director of photography, oversee the definitive integration of the scenes, sequences or digital objects in the final product.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE