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Insertion companies are those that have reserved a part of their human resources for the temporary or definitive hiring of people experiencing difficulties in accessing or remaining in the labour market. Employment companies are a tool that facilitates entry into the labour market through an employment contract and personalized training and follow-up.

The person in charge of insertion companies runs a project that includes people who are in the following situations or groups at risk of social exclusion:

  • People with any kind of physical, mental or sensory disability or with diagnosed mental disorders.
  • Persons who are recipients of the official minimum insertion income or who cannot access the minimum insertion income, because they do not fulfil the legally established requirements but who are, in the opinion of the social services, at risk of exclusion.
  • Young people over the age of sixteen and under thirty coming from child protection institutions.
  • People with drug or alcoholism problems who are in the process of rehabilitation and social reintegration.
  • Inmates of prisons whose situation allows them to access an employment, persons on probation and ex-prisoners.
  • Long-term unemployed people older than forty-five years.


  • Plan, organise, manage and supervise the correct operation of the placement company.
    Plan, manage and supervise all the services that the company offers, both from the external and internal clients' perspective, and in all the company's operational areas (marketing, sales, production, staff, etc).
    Take responsibility and coordinate the different areas and departments in which the company operates.
    Assess, at least annually, the level of service quality and the degree of satisfaction of the workers and clients.
    Plan the strategy for attracting clients, coordinate the areas under their responsibility and directly interrelate, if this function has not been delegated.
    Apply for and supervise the granting of public aid and subsidies that exist for placement companies.
    Design and present projects to obtain external financial resources for the placement company.
  • Set and determine the methodological guidelines related to the creation of programmes for the training and employment of the workers who participate in them.
    Draw up the methodological and procedural guidelines regarding the activities aimed at improving the hirability of the users / workers.
    Supervise and work toward the achievement of the placement objectives of each of their workers in order to improve their hirability.
  • Plan, manage and supervise the tasks assigned to the staff of the centre.
    Design and plan the continuing education policy and the retraining of the entire staff, and foster the team's interpersonal relationships.
    Plan and manage periodic meetings to follow-up on the objectives, among all the organisation's staff.
  • Plan, manage and supervise the condition and correct operation of the work centres' facilities and equipment.
    Design and supervise the occupational risk prevention plan.
  • Externally represent the company in the area in which it operates.
    Establish contacts with companies and organisations related to the professional field, with the aim of assisting with the social and professional placement of the workers.
    Coordinate with the rest of the public resources and social agents involved in the labour market in order to bring together the different aid opportunities for employment of disadvantaged groups and to arrange the users' access to these resources, if applicable.
    Coordinate with capital companies in order to intermediate in the hiring of their users/workers.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE