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Counseling and job search services

Counseling and job search services

All the services you need to find a job are in Barcelona Activa.You have a daily service of personalized advice and a full program of activities to learn to search a job and to train skills.You can also access the job vacancies managed by Barcelona Activa and use the Job Search Space.

Program of activities

We put at your disposal a wide catalogue of short-term activities with everything you need to achieve your professional goal. Choose the topic and format that best suits you: face-to-face, online or Virtual Classroom.

Check our offer of Programs and Services

Barcelona Treball resources


Come to the information sessions and discover everything you can do in Barcelona Activa.

Guidance and professional changes


Define your professional goal and establish the action plan to achieve it.



Are you clear about your priorities, interests, motivations and skills?


Professional goals

Define what occupation you want as a starting point for your job search process.


Professional changes

Find the best strategies to change sector or occupation.

Job search


Prepare your application and learn how to conduct an effective job search.


CV and letter

Do you know how to make attractive and different resumes and cover letters?


Job search channels

Find out what is the best way to approach companies.


Job interview and research process

Do you know what HR departments expect from you? Practice the interview and selection process.


Job search in digital environments

Build, posicion yourself and expand your professional network

Job Market


Discover what companies are looking for and the latest trends in the labour market.


Industry sectors and professional oportunities

Industry sectors and professional oportunities.


Job market trends

Job market trends.

Recruitment and networking activities


Make contact with companies seeking professionals like you.

Escola de Competències

Desenvolupa, entrena i consolida les habilitats i aptituds que et faran avançar professionalment. Segueix l'itinerari que millor s'adapti a les teves necessitats!

Comunica amb confiança


Entrena i millora les teves habilitats comunicatives, potencia el teu missatge i genera impacte.


Itinerari inicial

Identifica i desenvolupa les habilitats comunicatives


Itinerari avançat

Consolida la teva expertesa en habilitats comunicatives i aprèn com fer front a les negociacions i el networking estratègic

Afronta el canvi amb resiliència


Cultiva l'adaptabilitat, l'empatia i la flexibilitat en l'àmbit professional


Itinerari inicial

Practica la flexibilitat i capacitat d'adaptació per fer front als moments de canvi


Itinerari avançat

Desenvolupa la resiliència i lidera els processos de canvi

Posa la teva creativitat en acció!


Desenvolupa i aplica la creativitat i l'actitud d'aprenentatge per fer front als nous reptes professionals


Itinerari inicial

Identifica el teu estil d'aprenentatge i aplica la creativitat a la resolució de problemes


Itinerari avançat

Avança en l'aprenentatge des de la cocreació i la innovació aplicada al teus projectes

Posa a prova la teva intel·ligència emocional


Practica les claus per assolir allò que et proposis i aprèn com gestionar l'estrés: iniciativa, autocontrol i autoconfiança


Itinerari inicial

Enforteix la teva seguretat interna i aprèn com gestionar les teves emocions i mantenir l'autocontrol en moments d'estrès


Itinerari avançat

Desenvolupa la teva intel·ligència emocional, aplica l'empatia i practica l'assertivitat en el teu entron professional

Labour Coaching Service

Activities and group sessions to accompany you in the definition of yours professionals goals and in the preparation and execution of actions plans for any of them.

Professional Development Coaching


Activities to learn how to apply diferent coaching techniques in order to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your professional goals.


Professional growth

Do you want to manage fulfillment in your work-life? Explore the different aspects involved with these workshops.

Labour Coaching Junior


Personalised itineraries in small groups for young people.

Labour Coaching Senior


Personalised itineraries in small groups for improving employment or unemployed people.

Labour Coaching for Women


Personalised itineraries in small groups for women.

Tailored Activities

Tailored Activities

The Porta22 professional development centre offers a tailored Activities exclusively for the members of collaborating institutions. Universities, professional schools, former student associations and postgraduate and/or business schools are the principal receivers of this high-level training today.

See more

Què són les Jornades tècniques d'orientació professional?

Què són les Jornades tècniques d'orientació professional?

Com hem arribat a la vuitena Jornada técnica d'orientació profesional? Consulta els antecedents

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Recommended itineraries

Recommended itineraries

The recommended itineraries of the catalog of activities of Barcelona Treball will offer you activities based on a topic or your professional profile.

See more

Punts d'informació per a l'orientació i la recerca de feina

Punts d'informació per a l'orientació i la recerca de feina

Estàs buscant feina? Necessites suport per definir allò que voldràs ser o on voldràs arribar en el teu projecte professional?

See more

Personalized Advice

Personalized Advice

We offer a personal advisory service to help you in your professional career choices.

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Acompanied guidance service

Acompanied guidance service

Personalized, flexible attention tailored to your needs to set a course for your professional project. With a complementary service of psychological support at your disposal

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Online training

Online training

Discover our online activities we offer so you can prepare yourself wherever, whenever or however you want.

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Know your rights!

Know your rights!

We offer you an information point with personalized and expert advice to inform you or help you to face a situation of vulnerability of your labour rights.

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Access to job offers

Access to job offers

Are you looking for a job? Register to the Business - Employment Platform and make yourself visible for the companies that search candidates like you.

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Punt d'informació per a l'acreditació de competències

Punt d'informació per a l'acreditació de competències

T'informem sobre com acreditar els teves competències i t'acompanyem en la tramitació de la sol·licitud

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Barcelona treball a la ciutat

Barcelona treball a la ciutat

Barcelona Activa, més a prop teu

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Quick access and copyright:

Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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Unió Europea FSE