Barcelona Activa

Barcelona Treball

Economic sectors

Organisations and business

From training to occupation


Area dedicated to obtaining and managing money and capital. It contributes to strengthening the economy of individuals and organisations through decisions related to savings, expenses and investment


Business Management

A good organisational functioning is based on resource administration. It is conducted through strategy planning, trade operations and human resources management, amongst other activities

Business Management

Marketing and Public Relations

A company's communication strategy seeks to promote their services, products, values and vision to gain more customers and foster customer loyalty, as well as to attract investment and obtain professional collaborations

Marketing and Public Relations

Legal Services and Security

Set of activities that aim to reduce or eliminate physical, material and financial risks. Due to phenomena such as globalisation and economic digitalisation, this is a dynamic sector updating constantly

Legal Services and Security

Training offer in Organisations and business

The sector values...

  • Knowledge of legislation

    Creating environments that are highly stable, predictable and reliable makes it imperative to be familiar with the legal regulations applicable in each case

  • Analytical decision-making

    In complex environments, in which human and financial resources are involved, decision-making should be based on analytical models

  • Calculation skills

    Understanding the numerical concepts and mathematical operations needed to manage a business, and being mentally agile with them

  • Leadership and motivation

    Ability to motivate the team and promote their trust and commitment by reconfiguring tasks so that every team member gives their best

  • Holistic vision

    Having a comprehensive knowledge of the company's organisation to understand the implications of our actions and to spot collaboration opportunities with other company areas

  • Networking

    Ability to build a wide and reliable contact network that allows the business project to grow and become established

  • Knowledge of legislation

    Creating environments that are highly stable, predictable and reliable makes it imperative to be familiar with the legal regulations applicable in each case

  • Analytical decision-making

    In complex environments, in which human and financial resources are involved, decision-making should be based on analytical models

  • Calculation skills

    Understanding the numerical concepts and mathematical operations needed to manage a business, and being mentally agile with them

  • Leadership and motivation

    Ability to motivate the team and promote their trust and commitment by reconfiguring tasks so that every team member gives their best

  • Holistic vision

    Having a comprehensive knowledge of the company's organisation to understand the implications of our actions and to spot collaboration opportunities with other company areas

  • Networking

    Ability to build a wide and reliable contact network that allows the business project to grow and become established