Does the person react when faced with emergencies and/or do they anticipate future needs and opportunities and act accordingly?
Initiative refers to: 1) Identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity and 2) Carrying out actions to respond to them. Therefore, Initiative is the willingness to proactively take action and not only be limited to thinking about what must be done in the future. The timeframe of this ladder goes from finishing past or current projects to seeking new opportunities. (The drawing up of annual plans or budgets is not included).
- Reacts when faced with current opportunities or problems. > It recognises opportunities and it acts as a result or it exceeds obstacles to solve current problems, acting within 1 or 2 days. > It shows predisposition to participate and contribute ideas. > It does not go through the problem, it assumes and it proposes solutions. > Is involved actively to tasks that it carries out. Reacts when faced with current opportunities or problems.
- Is decisive during crisis situations. > Acts quickly and decidedly during a crisis (when the norm would be to wait, "study the situation" or see if it resolves itself). > Contributes ideas and makes proposals that can positively impact the results. > Takes decisions quickly when faced with urgent situations (without waiting for someone to tell them what to do). > Solves problems and searches for solutions, seeking the necessary resources.
Is decisive during crisis situations.
- Anticipates and creates short-term opportunities. > Creates opportunities and minimises potential problems by putting forth extra effort (special trip or visit, new project), acting within a period of 1 to 3 months. > Acts proactively, anticipating obstacles and opportunities. > Contributes ideas and makes innovative proposals that could create business opportunities. > Foresees opportunities for improvement that are not obvious and carries out actions in order to take advantage of them, working 1 to 3 months in advance.
- Anticipates and creates opportunities in the mid- and long-term. > Anticipates and prepares for specific opportunities or problems that are not obvious to others in the mid- and long-term. > Carries out actions to create opportunities or avoid future crises, more than 3 months in advance. > Creates new ideas and projects in order to anticipate the trends of the environment. > Promotes actions and decisions in the mid- and long-term that involve significant changes in the Organisation.
Orientation towards achievement
Does the person work to reach or exceed certain objectives? Do they take calculated risks in order to obtain a specific benefit?
Orientation towards achievement is a focus on working well or exceeding a standard. Standards can be one's own performance in the past (working towards exceeding it), an objective measurement (results orientated), surpassing others (competitiveness), personal goals that one has set or things that no one has done before (innovation).
- Wants to do their work well. > Strives to carry out their work well or correctly. > Expresses frustration when faced with inefficiency or loss of time (for example: regrets having lost time and wants to do it better) despite the fact that no specific improvements are made. > Does not lose sight of the objectives to be reached within their sphere of responsibility. > Expresses the desire to do things better.
- Creates their own work standards. > Uses their own systems to measure and monitor their results with their own standards (not imposed by the company). > Can use new methods or ways of achieving the objectives imposed by the company. > Is persistent in achieving objectives, despite the obstacles. > Is efficient, optimising resources and time in the carrying out of their tasks.
- Improves the outcome (ambitious goals are set). 'Ambitious' means that there is a 50% chance of achieving the objective, something that is difficult but not impossible. > Makes specific changes in the system or in their own work methods in order to improve the outcome without setting a specific objective (for example: finds better, faster, less expensive or more efficient ways to do things, improves quality, customer satisfaction, the work environment, earned revenue, etc). > Makes an effort to adapt and fit into the Organisation. > Seeks excellence and ongoing improvement in management. > Compares their own current performance with past performance (for example: "when I took charge of this, efficiency was 25%, now it is 85%").
- Seeks to maximise "benefits" in the long term. > Conducts a cost-benefit analysis. Takes decisions and sets priorities and objectives, weighing the "resources used and results achieved". > Makes constant references to the potential benefit, profitability and the cost-benefit analysis. > Analyses the business results. > Assumes calculated business risks. Ex.: Commits important resources and/or time to improve the results, in other words, to improve performance, to reach ambitious goals, etc.
Planning and organisation
Do they effectively manage their own work and that of their co-workers?
Planning and organisation are the ability to prioritise and establish courses of action, optimising resources that ensure the anticipated results through effective management of one's own work and that of their co-workers.
- Organises their own work and prioritises their activities. > Organises the different activities to be carried out and establishes a logical sequence in which to do so. > Maintains the physical order of documentation in their work environment in order to be more efficient, following a specific work system. > Works with the resources that are available in an efficient manner. > Appropriately prioritises the different tasks to be carried out based on their importance and urgency.
- Plans activities in advance, attending to the necessary resources. > Creates an activities schedule, setting deadlines in order to best manage their time. > Sets deadlines and time-related objectives that are reasonably demanding and assigns resources in order to optimise time. > Optimally organises information and documentation optimum in order to ensure its accessibility and quality. > Monitors the compliance with their activities schedule.
- Plans and organises activities and resources in the mid- and long-term. > Schedules and coordinates the tasks to be performed, assigning work and establishing timelines in order to optimise the outcome and best respond to the situation's requirements. > Clarifies roles, objectives and responsibilities with their co-workers, collaborators and superiors in order to guarantee the carrying out of the plan. > Anticipates needs related to the human and material resources which are required to fulfil the objectives. > Defines action plans based on certain objectives, with suitable coordination, control and monitoring of the actions to be carried out in the mid- and long-term. > Takes into account possible deviations and how to adjust their own planning in the mid- and long-term.
- Assesses and integrates plans, objectives and resources with an overall organisational vision, involving other people. > Plans a set of projects or plans, which is used to effectively coordinate the different resources, without losing the overall vision and that of the set. > Assesses, in an comprehensive and consistent manner, the implications of their planning in other areas and departments. > Effectively integrates resources from different areas or departments into their planning. > Organises and reorganises the different resources (human, technical and financial) for which they are responsible in order to achieve better effectiveness and efficiency in their department or area.
Concern for order and quality
Does the person pay attention to small details and deal with them?
Worry for the order and the quality is reflected in the constant worry to reduce the uncertainty of the medi that us surrounded. Expresses themselves in ways such as the monitoring and review of work and information, as well as the insistence on clarity of assigned roles and functions.
- Shows a concern for order and clarity. > Wants the workspace, functions, expectations, tasks and information to be clear, and often in writing. > Keeps their work space tidy (documentation, tools, etc.) so it can be used by others. > Follows the established standards and procedures. > Is rigorous in their work and makes an effort to prevent errors.
- Checks their own work. > Goes over and checks the accuracy of the information or work. > Checks and goes over their work to ensure there are no errors. > Is meticulous and rigorously works to ensure that the results are of high quality and reliable. > Checks the quality and accuracy of their work.
- Follows up on the work of others. > Monitors the quality of others' work in order to ensure that the established procedures are being followed. > Keeps a detailed record of their own and others' activities. > Corrects the information and errors of others. > Communicates systematic errors so they can be corrected.
- Monitors information or projects. > Oversees a project's progress as regards its phases and time frames. > Monitors information, detecting and rectifying gaps or errors through the search for information. > Has a general concern for maintaining order in the established systems, taking measures to correct deviations and achieve the objectives. > Optimises systems and work methods to ensure their quality.
People management
Does the person set a firm standard of performance and require others to follow it as well?
People management entails making other people act in accordance with our objectives, appropriately and correctly using personal power or the authority we have been granted. It includes "telling others what they should do". < br/> The style varies according to require it circumstances or people, from steady and manager until demanding or even threatening. Trying to reason, persuade or convince another to do something is Impact and Influence, not People Management.
- Gives orders and instructions. > Gives people appropriate instructions, making sure the needs and demands are reasonably clear. > Explicitly delegates routine tasks so they can dedicate time to more significant matters. > Assigns tasks and responsibilities to their team. > Organises the work and plans the team's tasks.
- Sets limits. > Firmly denies unreasonable requests from others or establishes limits for their behaviour. > Can manipulate situations in order to limit the options of others or force them to provide the desired resources. > Carries out follow-up, confronting inadequate performance. > Places limits on the conduct of others.
- Demands high performance. > Unilaterally sets standards and demands high levels of performance, quality or resources. > Insists that these levels are met without having their orders or demands questioned. > Clearly communicates the consequences of failing to produce results. > Carries out close and careful follow-up of the results.
- Posts the levels of the results that have been achieved. > Publicly compares the individual objectives that have been met with those that have been set (for example: sales results vs. individual objectives, marking the discrepancies in red). > Systematically compares the results with the standards. > Openly and directly addresses the result-related problems brought up by others. > Uses strategies to promote productivity and is able to take extreme and necessary measures with those who so require it (for example: moving a team member to another area, dismissal).
Does the person lead groups of people in such a way as to enable them to work together effectively?
Leadership entails the intention of assuming the role of leader of a work group or team. It involves the desire of guiding others. Leadership is often, but not always, associated with positions that have formal authority. "The" team should be considered, broadly speaking, to be any group in which the person assumes the role of leader. It should be compared with the skill of "Team Work and Cooperation".
- Communicates with and guides their team. > Leads the meetings well (sets the agenda and objectives of the meetings, controls the time, assigns the turns to speak, etc). > Ensures that the group has all the necessary information. > Explains the reasons why a decision has been made. > Maintains a close relationship with the team and knows what is happening.
- Promotes the team's effectiveness and motivation. > Uses complex strategies in order to keep the group's motivation high and achieve good productivity levels (hiring and dismissal decisions, assigning work to the team, training, etc). > Listens and promotes participation and the contribution of ideas. > Is concerned about motivation and a good working environment, protecting the group and defending its reputation. > Ensures that the group's needs are met (obtains the resources, staff and information the group needs). > Gives instructions or demonstrations, together with the underlying reasons, as a learning strategy.
- Delegates and develops the team in order to achieve the maximum results. > Delegates responsibilities conveying confidence, establishing and carrying out effective follow-up. > Gives positive feedback to each team member for improvement, development and motivation. > Fosters the development of each team member according to their characteristics and interests. > Establishes action plans and offers specific suggestions for improvement.
- Is positioned as a leader and communicates a convincing vision of the future. > Ensures that others participate in their objectives, mission, climate, policies, etc. > Acts as a model to be followed by others. > Has genuine charisma, communicates a vision of the future that generates enthusiasm, excitement and commitment to the group's project or mission. > Fosters strong commitment to the goals to be reached.
Team work and cooperation
Does the person act in such a way as to facilitate the work of the group to which they belong?
Team work and cooperation involve the intention of collaborating and cooperating with others, being part of a group and working together, as opposed to doing it individually or competitively. In order for this skill to be effective, the intention must be genuine. One can always consider that the occupant of the place is a member of a group that works as a team. "Team", as in the case of "Leadership", is broadly defined as a group of people who work on shared processes, tasks or objectives.
- Shows an interest and willingness to work as a team. > Has a positive attitude towards working with other people. > Maintains good relationships with their colleagues. > Provides assistance when asked. > Cooperates with a positive attitude in teams and supports their decisions. Is a "good team player".
- Proactively coordinates and shares information with team members. > Keeps the other members informed about topics that affect them (processes, events, individual actions, etc). > Coordinates with their colleagues in order to achieve the team's shared objective. > Listens to their colleagues, sincerely considering their ideas and experience in order to learn from them. > Speaks well of the other group members, expressing positive expectations with regard to their abilities, contributions, etc.
- Promotes and generates participation and collaboration. > Fosters and promotes collaboration. > Encourages and motivates others, making them feel strong and significant. > Fosters participation and the contribution of ideas from all the members of the team. > Publicly recognises the merits of the group members who have worked well.
- Develops the team's spirit. > Acts to create a friendly work environment, good climate and cooperative spirit (holds meetings and creates symbols of identity within the group). > Resolves conflicts that arise within the team. > Defends the identity and good reputation of the group before third parties. > Fosters and promotes cooperation between different work teams.
Does the person take on risky challenges or confront people who are in a higher position?
Self-confidence is conviction in one's own ability to successfully perform a task or choose the suitable approach for carrying out a job or solving a problem. It includes demonstrating confidence in one's own skills (for example, when faced with new difficulties), decisions and opinions.
- Is sure of themselves. > Works without the need for supervision or close control of their work. > Is confident in themselves and in their work. > Appears to be self-assured in front of others. > Speaks and acts with confidence.
- Acts independently. > Takes decisions or acts without having to constantly check with their superior. > Takes decisions and acts with confidence, despite the doubts expressed by others (subordinates, co-workers, etc). > Acts outside of formal authority when the situation so requires. > Decisively acts to solve problems, despite the fact that they cannot access all the necessary information.
- Is confident in their abilities. > Acts like an expert, someone who has mastered their responsibilities and moves things forward. > Does not get discouraged when faced with failures and effectively incorporates the lessons they have learned. > Explicitly expresses confidence in their own judgement and opinions. > Does not give up when faced with obstacles and problems: tenaciously pursues their objectives.
- Seeks challenges and/or addresses conflicts. > Seeks new responsibilities and accepts challenging tasks. > States their opinion in an appropriate manner when they disagree with their superiors, clients or individuals in a higher position. > Offers to carry out activities and assume challenging responsibilities. > Accepts calculated risks in order to achieve their objectives.
Does the person have strong feelings and refrain from showing them?
Self-control is the ability to control one's emotions and avoid negative reactions when faced with provocation, opposition or hostility from others or when working under stressful conditions. Similarly, it entails resistance under conditions of constant stress.
- Does not let themselves get carried away by emotional impulses. > Contains their emotions and keeps calm. > Resists the temptation to act immediately, without thinking. > Knows to keep calm when faced with a usual stress that occurs in their work area, steering clear of what triggers their emotions. > Controls their feelings but does not act to improve things.
- Responds while staying calm. > Controls their own actions and continues calmly talking or working despite the strong emotions and feelings they are experiencing (frustration, anger, tension). > Ignores or tries to avoid provocation and responds to it calmly. > Knows how to maintain a language and tone of voice that are suitable for their conversations, despite complaints and/or provocation from others. > Responds in a positive manner, reformulating problems or seeking solutions for them.
- Effectively manages stress. > Understands how their own emotions affect their performance and tries to prevent them from interfering in their daily work. > Continues to work well and responds constructively, despite the stressful conditions. > Employs specific techniques or habits in order to control emotions and tension. > Controls frustration when faced with frequent obstacles or difficulties in achieving the objectives.
- Controls the team's tension. > Recognises their own personal emotions and tries to prevent these from affecting their management of the team. > Conveys optimism and confidence in the future when faced with problematic and complicated situations. Tries to prevent negative emotions from directly affecting the team. > Conveys understanding of their co-workers' emotions and offers advice and assistance on how to control them. > Promotes actions and activities aimed at minimising the team's tension and increasing confidence when faced with daily difficulties.
Commitment to the organisation
Does the person act in accordance with the authority, needs and objectives of the Organisation?
Commitment to the organisation is the ability and willingness to orient one's own interests and behaviours towards the Company's needs, priorities and objectives. It entails acting in such a way that the Organisation's objectives are achieved or its needs are met. It can occur when the Company's mission is placed before individual preferences.
- Respects the standards and practices of the Organisation. > Makes an effort to adapt and fit into the Organisation. > Respects the way things are done at the Organisation. > Understands and works towards the results that are expected of their function. > Carries out tasks just as expected.
- Identifies with the Organisation's project, acknowledging its credibility and priority. > Shows a willingness to help their colleagues, within and outside of their area or department. > Respects and accepts what their superiors consider to be important. > Has strong bonds with the Organisation. > Is proud to belong to the Organisation.
- Supports and promotes the priorities of their Organisation under any circumstance. > Is interested in conveying a positive image of their Organisation (to the market, clients, etc). > Acts in favour of the Organisation's mission and objectives. > Takes decisions and adjusts their priorities according to the Organisation's needs. > Cooperates with others within the scope of the Organisation's objectives.
- Places the priorities of their Organisation first, facing the consequences. > Places the company's needs before their own (professional identity, preferences, priorities, etc). > Supports decisions that benefit the entire Organisation, despite the fact that they may be unpopular in the short-term. > Promotes the philosophy and values of their Organisation amongst their co-workers. > Supports decisions that benefit the entire Organisation, despite the fact that they may be unpopular in the short-term.
Flexibility and change management
Can the person change their mindset or drop a task when the circumstances so require?
Flexibility and change management is the ability to adapt and effectively work in different and varied situations and with diverse people or groups. It entails understanding and assessing different positions or points of view, or adapting one's own approach as required by the situation. It also involves easily changing or accepting changes in the Organisation itself or in the job's responsibilities.
- Accepts the need to be flexible > Adapts to the changes in the environment. > Recognises and understands the points of view of others. > Is willing to work with different areas and colleagues. > Is willing to change their own ideas when given new information or opposing evidence.
- Applies the rules with flexibility and adapts their behaviour. > Knows when to yield in relation to their own planning and initial objectives when the situation so requires, adapting the procedures. > Reacts with flexibility and adapts when faced with "unforeseen events" and obstacles that could significantly change their work. > Adapts their behaviour to the different situations or circumstances of their work (changes in the products, organisation, etc). Ex.: They are flexible when there is a change in the schedule or when there is a need to stay longer at work in order to finish a task. > Can work on different projects at the same time and demonstrates ease in working on different projects simultaneously. > Adapts their conduct to the different individuals involved (clients, partners, etc).
- Makes changes to their area of activity in order to adapt. > Adapts the objectives or projects to the market situation and the environment in which they work. > Questions "the status quo" and involves others in the change process. > Promotes new methodologies, approaches or ways of doing things, sets an example. > Defines areas of change and proposes new ways of acting. > Defines a clear vision of the changes, detailing the information.
- Adapts their strategy. > Promotes and implements changes in the processes or products in order to adapt to changes, the environment and the circumstances. > Flexibly applies plans and budgets in order to adapt to changes in the environment and the circumstances. > Ensures that all the individuals involved are aware of the message or vision of the change. > Promotes and makes good use of the diversity of opinions, approaches and criteria when faced with a certain situation. > Encourages others to participate in the change process and obtains support from people who can help make it a reality. > Publicly questions "the status quo", comparing it to an ideal or vision of change. > Creates a feeling of crisis or imbalance in order to pave the way for change.
Does the person pass on information in a way that is easy to understand?
Communication entails the ability to pass on information, i.e., informing someone of something in a way that is clear and easy to understand. It ranges from passing on information to relating ideas, interests, etc. Communication can be verbal and/or written and is aimed at different audiences.
- Clearly communicates information. > Passes on and shares information when asked. > Ensures that everyone who is involved in a problem or situation has the relevant information. > Expresses themselves in a structured and clear manner. > Adapts the language to the level of those receiving the information. Ex.: Does not use technical terms when communicating with a non-specialised audience.
- Communicates clearly and listens in order to ensure they understand. > Communicates their opinions and information in a clear, dynamic and coherent manner. > Ensures that their message is received without distortions (uses their own follow-up mechanisms). Ex.: Asks questions. > Listens to the opinions and concerns of their colleagues, establishing feedback in the communication. > Carefully prepares the information included in their communication or presentation.
- Adapts their communication to the interests and characteristics of the recipient of the information. > Uses different channels and manners of communication, adapting the message and the medium based on the person with whom they are communicating. > Knows to make others understand them and creates networks of relationships which are necessary for obtaining relevant information. > Adapts what they are communicating in order to capture the interest of others. > Anticipates and prepares for the reactions of others.
- Effectively communicates in public. Can interact in public in an effective manner. > Properly communicates at meetings, presentations, etc. > Knows how to establish emotional ties and relationships with others because they support their objective. > Has the skill of conviction and is able to positively affect others. > Uses experts or third parties to make an impact.
Does this person sense what others are feeling and thinking even if they don't voice it?
Empathy involves knowing how to understand other people. It is the ability to listen and correctly understand the thoughts, feelings or concerns of others even though these are not verbally expressed or are partially expressed. This skill measures the growing complexity and depth involved in understanding others. It can also include intercultural sensitivity.
- Is aware of feelings and the reasons for them. > Is aware of a person's feelings at a given point in time. > Senses the moods of others. > Listens carefully to others when they come to them. > Asks questions to confirm the messages they are receiving.
- Understands feelings and the reasons for them. > Understands the feelings/moods of others and the explicit reasons for them. > Asks questions to better understand the reasons for the feelings/moods. > Makes an effort and takes action to understand others. > Understands the meaning of non-verbal messages (gestures, tone of voice, etc).
- Understands the reasons why. > Understands why others act in a certain way at a given point in time, despite the fact that these people do not explain themselves or do so in an incomplete or vague manner. > Is successful in making others follow their recommendations, using their understanding of these people's feelings. > Identifies the general characteristics (both positive and negative) of others. > Puts themselves in the shoes of their colleagues and understands things from the perspective of others.
- Understands the fundamental reasons. > Understands the fundamental problems of others that are not so obvious. > Understands the main reasons for the most deep-rooted feelings, concerns and behaviours of others. > Gives a complete and specific vision of the strengths and weaknesses of others. > Is successful in making people trust in them and feel comfortable enough to explain their concerns or difficulties.
Does the person act to foster collaboration?
Negotiation is the ability to promote the consensus. It is the attempt to make different criteria coincide, in a certain situation, with a view to reaching an agreement and seeking the best benefit.
- Understands their own position and interests. > Distinguishes between what is essential (what they want to achieve) and what is secondary. > Knows what they can give up and what is non-negotiable. > Senses the interests of the other party but does not take them into account. > Negotiates based on their own interests.
- Understands the interests and takes into account the other people's positions. > Is receptive and empathetic, putting themselves in the other person's shoes and understanding what it is they want. > Knows what is negotiable for the other party and what their minimum objectives may be. > Takes the other party into account when preparing for the negotiation and during the entire process. > Seeks mutual benefits.
- Refutes objections. > Exchanges compensations and offers concessions in exchange for other advantages and benefits. > Persuades the other party. > Makes the other party see the advantages and inconveniences of each option (their own or of the other) and brings them towards their positions. > Is able to close the negotiation and reach an agreement, verbal or written.
- Carries out "win-win" negotiations. > Is concerned about the other party being as satisfied as they are after the negotiation process. > Refrains from imposing only their criteria, rather negotiates based on interests, not on positions. > Leaves the door open for future agreements. > Negotiates with the future in mind.
Do they establish and maintain an extensive network of contacts?
Networking is the ability to establish contacts with a wide range of people, making it possible to mutually help each other in professional and personal situations. It is a two-way process: by helping and attending to our network of contacts, we make it easier for them to help us.
- Is open to establishing informal contacts. > Establishes informal contacts with others, in addition to the contacts required for work. Ex.: Has friendly chats about work, children, sports, news, etc. > Appears to be open, accessible and confident in themselves in social situations. > Seeks and finds opportunities to meet new people. > Quickly responds to requests for help from others, despite the fact that they do not have a higher hierarchical position or that they are not part of their team.
- Establishes relationships inside and outside of the Organisation. > Maintains strong personal relationships with their colleagues. > Establishes and maintains a broad network of cordial and friendly relationships with many individuals inside and outside their Organisation. > Remembers significant details about each person (interests, hobbies, current projects) that make it easier to start conversations with their contacts. > Considers any person to be a source of potential help and makes good use of any opportunity to establish contacts.
- Makes an effort to expand their network of contacts and promotes collaboration. > Takes the initiative to improve and strengthen their "friendships" with colleagues or clients, outside of the Organisation. > Actively participates in different social events. > Is continuously maintaining their network of contacts. > Helps others solve problems or achieve their objectives and shares information in order to facilitate collaboration.
- Makes good use of relationships and seeks new collaborators. > Is able to bring people from different environments together. > Makes good use of their personal relationships in order to achieve their work objectives. > Asks for contributions or suggestions from those outside of their immediate environment. > Seeks and finds opportunities to collaborate, in a mutually beneficial manner, with people who they do not usually work with.
Customer orientation
Does the person act for the good of the customer?
Customer orientation involves a desire to help or serve customers and meet their needs. It means focusing on determining and meeting customers' needs.
- Maintains fluid communication and follows up with customers. > Responds to the customers' questions, complaints or problems and keeps them updated as regards the progress of their projects (but does not delve into the customers' underlying problems). > Maintains ongoing communication with the customers in order to determine their needs and level of satisfaction. > Offers customers useful information. > Provides service to customers in a cordial manner.
- Takes an interest in the customer. > Personally takes responsibility for solving the customer's problems. > Solves problems quickly, without making excuses. > Remains completely available for the customer, especially when they are going through difficult periods (for example: offers their personal phone number to the customer, tells the customer how they can be reached or dedicates extra time to the customer). > Does more than is normally expected by the customer.
- Addresses the client's basic needs. > Knows the client's business and/or seeks information regarding their real needs, going beyond those initially expressed. > Adapts the available products or services to these needs. > Anticipates the client's needs. > Advises the client and gives them alternatives that are better adapted to their needs.
- Has long-term perspective. > It works with a perspective of long term when to solve the problems of the client/a. If necessary, sacrifices "today for tomorrow". > It acts as a reliable adviser, involving in the decision-making process. > It has own opinion on needs, problems and opportunities of a client/to and on the feasibility of the solutions. > It acts according to this opinion (for example: recommends new and different approaches that are different from those requested by the customer).
Learning and use of knowledge
Are they eager to learn and share knowledge?
Learning and use of knowledge involves having an interest in and constant curiosity for learning and knowing more. It involves the desire to put into practice and expand technical, professional or managerial knowledge, as well as to transfer work-related knowledge. The person continues developing and acquiring new knowledge of their own accord.
- Maintains and shares knowledge. > Is proactive in the search and acquisition of knowledge in order to stay up-to-date with the new tools, methods, approaches, matters, technologies, etc., specific to their field of work. Ex.: Attends training courses. > Uses their technical know-how to clarify doubts and answer the questions of others. > Is interested in learning about what is in their immediate environment. > Shows curiosity for new developments that can affect their day-to-day. > Specifies the available sources of information.
- Expands and offers knowledge. > Does not limit themselves to being an expert in their field, but rather seeks information, does research and studies other topics that they are not familiar with. > Shares and puts into practice the knowledge that they have been acquiring as part of their job. > As an expert in their field, they provide support, offering and transferring their knowledge to others. > Asks questions to experts in order to learn more and enhance their knowledge.
- Researches and disseminates new practices/knowledge. > Takes actions to spread new technologies/methodologies throughout the Organisation. > Investigates all the sources in order to obtain key information which will make it possible to have a clear idea of the trends and new developments that affect the business and/or market. > Consults people who are not personally involved in the situation in order to learn about their perspectives, experiences and opinions. > Makes an extra effort through systematic work within a limited period of time in order to obtain the best possible information. > Conscientiously researches, using unusual sources.
- Generates and shares information and knowledge. > Writes and publishes articles on new technologies / methodologies / products in technical or specialised journals. > Personally puts procedures, techniques or systems into place that make it possible to collect information in non-customary ways. > Extracts knowledge from both inside and outside of the Organisation in order to have a broad vision of the future and the consequent implications in the business. > Demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the technologies / products / methodologies / services that can impact the business, positioning themselves as a reference for this knowledge within the Organisation.
Do they show an innovative approach to their work?
Creativity is the ability to identify, address and solve problems in a relevant and different manner. It is the ability to establish different knowledge relationships, ask new questions and give original responses.
- Is open to new perspectives. > Is open to new ideas, thought up by others. > Accepts innovative ideas, even if they entail a certain risk. > Is daring when it comes to innovation, without blocking new ideas from others. > Is flexible when faced with new proposals from others.
- Questions the conventional methodology of the work. > Is ready to try new and different solutions and follow an approach that is somewhat unorthodox. > Comes up with varied solutions for problems. > Is able to think "outside the box", even if it entails taking a risk. > Is ready to see beyond the available information and their own knowledge in order to find solutions.
- Demonstrates sensitivity and creates new concepts within the environment. > Is innovative and creative when providing new solutions. > Finds new ways of doing things when faced with current problems and suggests alternatives. > Considers concepts that are radical or unconventional despite the fact that they entail taking risks. > Goes beyond the pre-established models and thinks in an open manner, outside of the available information.
- Establishes a creative atmosphere in their department and/or Organisation > Thinks "outside the box" when identifying problems and new solutions. > Combines synergetic or lateral thinking techniques, amongst others. > Promotes new ideas to their team of colleagues. > Creates models that facilitate the analysis and solution of problems affecting other people in the Organisation (colleagues, co-workers, other departments).
Strategic orientation
Do they recognise how strategy affects and is affected by the evolution of the environment, sector and market?
Strategic orientation is the ability to link long-term visions and broad concepts in daily work. At the lower levels, it includes a simple understanding of the strategies. At the highest levels, it is sophisticated knowledge of how the environment, in its broadest sense, influences the strategies and how these, in turn, determine the different actions/scenarios.
- Understands the Organisation's goals and strategies. > Knows their area well (methodologies, techniques, etc), but also has an overall vision, beyond their area of activity. > Has a good understanding of the aim and objectives of the work. > Is able to analyse and understand the Organisation's objectives and the strategies developed by others. > Knows the Company's structure, policy and organisation.
- Links current actions with the Organisation's objectives. > Relates the task they carry out with the Organisation's objectives. > Knows how the work is related to the Organisation's raison d'etre. > Prioritises the work according to the objectives of the business, acts in accordance with external strategies, goals and objectives, in other words, according to what most benefits the department and the Organisation. > Considers the implication of what they do in all the areas of the Organisation.
- Plans future-oriented actions. > Develops short- and medium-term objectives, strategies and goals, based on the organisational priorities. > Orients the day-to-day activities towards the long-term, identifies important matters in the long-term and detects problems and opportunities. > Develops and sets long-term and large-scale objectives, goals and projects, goes beyond the day-to-day and looks towards the future. > Takes into account the market's benchmarks in order to plan their function, directing their activity towards the market.
- Understands the external impact on the internal strategy and develops long-term strategies. > Establishes an action plan to reach a long-term objective or plan and/or to share their point-of-view with another regarding future possibilities of the business, Department or Organisation. > Knows how the sector evolves the sector and how the changes can affect the Organisation. > Has an overall vision when long-term opportunities, projects or applications of the current activities arise. Anticipates the possible responses to different projects. > Considers how the policies, processes and methods (ongoing) can be affected by future changes and external trends.
Analytical thought
Does the person understand cause-effect relationships?
Analytical thought is the ability to understand a situation, breaking it down into small parts and identifying its implications step by step. It includes systematically organising the parts of a problem or situation, comparing different elements or aspects and setting priorities in a rational manner. It also includes understanding chronological sequences and the cause-effect relationships of the facts.
- Breaks down problems. > Breaks down problems or situations without carrying out a specific assessment of them. > Makes a list of issues to address without assigning them a certain order or priority. > Dedicates enough time to basically analyse problems before taking action. > Asks question to their co-workers or superiors in order to obtain relevant information.
- Identifies basic relationships. > Breaks problems down into parts and establishes simple causal relationships (A causes B). > Identifies the pros and cons of decisions made. > Sets priorities with regard to work tasks, in accordance with their order of importance. > Seeks and obtains information from different sources in order to obtain a broader overview of problems and situations.
- Identifies multiple relationships.
> Breaks down a complex problem into different parts.
> Is able to establish complex causal links between different circumstances.
> Recognises various possible causes of a fact or various consequences of an action or chain of events (A causes B causes C causes D).
> Analyses the relationships between the parts of a problem or situation in order to anticipate obstacles and plans the next steps.
- Carries out complex plans or analyses. > Applies learnt methods or concepts with the aim of analysing situations and facilitating decision-making. > Conducts complex analyses, taking into account multiple variables that are related in non-obvious manner. > Uses different analysis techniques to identify various solutions, weighing the value of each. > Breaks a problem down into multiple parts, detailing each one and establishing their causal relationships.
Conceptual thought
Does the person identify patterns, relationships or models? Are they able to create a whole from all the different parts? Do they find new ways of seeing things?
Conceptual thought is the ability to identify guidelines or relationships that are not so obvious and identify key points in complex situations. It includes the use of creative, inductive or conceptual reasoning.
- Uses basic rules and recognises models or guidelines. > Uses basic criteria, common sense and their experience in order to identify problems. > Recognises when a current situation is identical or similar to a past situation and how it should be addressed. > Acts with common sense criteria and takes advantage of their experience. > Identifies guidelines, trends or gaps in the information they use.
- Uses complex concepts. > Analyses current situations where we have used theoretical knowledge or knowledge acquired through experience. > Applies the appropriate tools to interpret and respond to situations. > Knows to identify existing relationships or inconsistencies in a set of data or information. > Properly uses and adapts learnt complex concepts or principles.
- Clarifies complex information or situations. > Ensures that complex situations or ideas are clear, simple and easy to understand. > Assesses current situations taking into account experiences, tools or complex theoretical knowledge. > Delves into the information and makes an effort to go beyond their immediate environment or work area. > Integrates ideas, key information and observations, presenting them in a clear and useful manner. Redefines knowledge and existing information in a simpler manner.
- Creates new concepts. > Ensures that complex ideas are clear for others and that their team understands them. > Develops and creates new concepts (not learnt through training or previous experience) that are not obvious to others in order to explain situations or solve problems. > Identifies and comes up with innovative solutions in order to meet the market's needs. > Develops new and creative concepts in order to solve strategic and overall problems of the business.