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The leading facility for managing your professional career

Porta22 is the area of Barcelona Activa which specialises in services and resources for professional career management.

  • Services and resources in attendance

    Individual advice: Each day, Porta22 provides you with an anonymous personalised advisory service with no need for appointment, to help you build your plan of action and show you all of the resources that Barcelona Activa offers you to help you achieve your objective.

    Program for professional development: A free quarterly high-level training program designed from Porta22 own methodology. The training is given by a large network of experts with in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of the present jobs market and who will train you and assess you in developing your maximum professional potential and taking a step forward in your career.

    Directed group actions: Porta22 provides groups of students and adults in training with tailored sessions where, with innovative content and resources, work is done on processes of guidance and professional reorientation and the reality of the jobs market is explored. The aim is to give them access to the working world and/or enhance their professional development.

    Job Search Space: Self-use space to work on your application to a job offer and with the support of a counsellor.

  • Web services and resources

    Web Barcelona Treball: The team of Porta22 is also the movement behind the Barcelona Treball website, a benchmark web portal in terms of guidance and job search, with thousands of digital and interactive contents that will allow you to work on your plan of action from home. Each day, the Porta22 Team updates and renews the website contents so that you are always informed of the main developments and tendencies in the working world.

    Plataforma Empresa Ocupació: This new service will allow you to register your CV in our database, to contact companies in the city that collaborate with the Platform and which are looking for candidates for their selection processes. You will also have a personnel space on the Barcelona Treball website to keep your favourites, to carry out self-awareness tests and to activate a series of functions to help you to work on your own professional career plan.

    The whole of the centre's activities are carried out with the active collaboration and involvement of the partners of the Porta22 Knowledge Network who add their expertise and knowledge to the resources and services on offer.

  • Model of guidance and career support

    All of the activity of Porta22 is carried out following an innovative professional guidance model. The main objective of this model is to discover and bring forth people's talent and help them to develop their professional potential, approaching the demands of companies in the area and the new opportunities that might occur.

    The model is based on the French initiative of the Cités des Métiers, and on three principles that make up the series of services and resources offered:

    Comprehensive view: Bearing in mind the individual as a whole and in all their complexity: their interests, competencies, studies, expectations, vocation and professional potential.

    Autonomy: With the consideration of the individual as the active protagonist throughout their professional career. Therefore the model particularly stresses enhancing people's capacity to take their own decisions in their processes of guidance and/or search for work.

    Guidance throughout life: Professional guidance must necessarily start at school and in the training centres so that each individual can consciously build training routes with a view of the future. However, the process must have continuity and be present throughout the whole of people's professional lives to be able to answer the needs of professional reorientation that are more and more habitual and natural in today's job market.

How to get

You will find us at:
c. Llacuna, 162-64, 08018 Barcelona

From Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 8pm

Contact us on:

93 401 98 99

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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