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ON21 Online - Take the floor: verbal and non-verbal language in work

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you dare to take the word in different situations of the work context? To achieve this, you have two modules in this course: In the first one, we will explore what characterizes oral communication and, together with the strategies provided and the analysis of practical cases, you will be able to understand how to make an appropriate use of oral communication. You'll even find keys to speak in public effectively. In the second module we will deal with how, thanks to non-verbal language, our communication is more accurate and effective. At the end of the course you will understand how to make effective use of verbal and non-verbal language, in an integrated way in your oral communication in the work context.

Next editions

ON31 Online - How to communicate and socialize on social networks

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Social networks have revolutionized the way we communicate and socialize in recent years. But is digital communication governed by the same rules as other more "traditional" ways of communication? In this course, we will teach you the differences you need to take into account in order to establish a successful communication strategy, both personally and professionally.

Next editions

ON45 Online - Networking for shy people

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course is aimed at people who feel that their shyness can be an impediment in the professional sphere. It explains the practice of networking and its usefulness in the workplace, without forgetting the benefits on a personal level, and a practical approach to be able to take full advantage of it and not be overcome by shyness.

Next editions

ON20 Online - The secrets of written communication

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to know the secrets of written communication? To achieve this, in this course you have two modules. In the first we will explore, in depth, the written communication, understanding its impact in the context of the job. In the second you will decipher the keys to improve your digital communication. At the end of the course, you will be able to develop written communications in the workplace context effectively.

Next editions

ON19 Online - Communicate!

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

It is impossible not to communicate. We do it in all situations, even if we do not speak. But do we do it properly? "Communicate" proposes to develop your communication skills so that they can be as efficient as possible. In this video we show you how to do this.

Next editions

EC316 - Comunicació i PNL

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La Programació Neurolingüística (PNL) ens aporta eines que ens ajuden a entendre com ens comuniquem: des de l'autoconeixement, ens permet desenvolupar estratčgies de comunicació per assolir canvis tant a nivell personal com professional.. En aquest taller descobrirem com captem la realitat, com entenem allň que va passant i com aixň afecta la nostra comunicació.

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EC323 - Aula Virtual - Bases de neurocičncia per la comunicació

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

Vols comunicar-te millor? Quan parlem a vegades ens expressem d'una manera reactiva, emocional o racional. La neurocičncia ens ajuda a entendre com funciona el nostre cervell internament. Posa la neurocičncia al teu abast per aprendre com aquesta disciplina condiciona la nostra manera de pensar, sentir i comunicar-nos!  

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ON21 Online - Take the floor: verbal and non-verbal language in work

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you dare to take the word in different situations of the work context? To achieve this, you have two modules in this course: In the first one, we will explore what characterizes oral communication and, together with the strategies provided and the analysis of practical cases, you will be able to understand how to make an appropriate use of oral communication. You'll even find keys to speak in public effectively. In the second module we will deal with how, thanks to non-verbal language, our communication is more accurate and effective. At the end of the course you will understand how to make effective use of verbal and non-verbal language, in an integrated way in your oral communication in the work context.

Next editions

ON31 Online - How to communicate and socialize on social networks

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Social networks have revolutionized the way we communicate and socialize in recent years. But is digital communication governed by the same rules as other more "traditional" ways of communication? In this course, we will teach you the differences you need to take into account in order to establish a successful communication strategy, both personally and professionally.

Next editions

ON45 Online - Networking for shy people

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course is aimed at people who feel that their shyness can be an impediment in the professional sphere. It explains the practice of networking and its usefulness in the workplace, without forgetting the benefits on a personal level, and a practical approach to be able to take full advantage of it and not be overcome by shyness.

Next editions

ON20 Online - The secrets of written communication

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to know the secrets of written communication? To achieve this, in this course you have two modules. In the first we will explore, in depth, the written communication, understanding its impact in the context of the job. In the second you will decipher the keys to improve your digital communication. At the end of the course, you will be able to develop written communications in the workplace context effectively.

Next editions

ON19 Online - Communicate!

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

It is impossible not to communicate. We do it in all situations, even if we do not speak. But do we do it properly? "Communicate" proposes to develop your communication skills so that they can be as efficient as possible. In this video we show you how to do this.

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EC316 - Comunicació i PNL

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La Programació Neurolingüística (PNL) ens aporta eines que ens ajuden a entendre com ens comuniquem: des de l'autoconeixement, ens permet desenvolupar estratčgies de comunicació per assolir canvis tant a nivell personal com professional.. En aquest taller descobrirem com captem la realitat, com entenem allň que va passant i com aixň afecta la nostra comunicació.

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EC323 - Aula Virtual - Bases de neurocičncia per la comunicació

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

Vols comunicar-te millor? Quan parlem a vegades ens expressem d'una manera reactiva, emocional o racional. La neurocičncia ens ajuda a entendre com funciona el nostre cervell internament. Posa la neurocičncia al teu abast per aprendre com aquesta disciplina condiciona la nostra manera de pensar, sentir i comunicar-nos!  

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Calendari d'Activitats

Anterior August , 2024 Següent

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