Barcelona City Council | Capital humàBarcelona City Council website

HomeKnow your rights!

Know your rights!

Advice and information

Have you got any queries regarding your employment rights?
Do you want advice on the legal framework that protects your rights, and about the channels available to you for defending those rights?
Are you an employer wanting to know about the working conditions you can and must offer employees?

Call 900 533 175 and we will help you to ask for an appointment in the service of advice on employment rights. You can make either a telephone or face-to-face appointment.

Labour Rights Defence Points provide a free municipal service, and are run by Barcelona Activa in collaboration with trade unions and other organisations in the local area.
The service is available to all, regardless place of residence or legal status. The service also provides support for employers who have queries on employment rights.

This municipal service is complemented by information and initiatives by the trade union organisationsCCOO and UGT.

Telephone advice. Labour Rights Defence Points

Face-to-face advice. Labour Rights Defence Points

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