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ON25 Online - Networking in networks

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will get to know and understand what we mean when we talk about Networking 2.0 and how we can make use of it in order to improve our contacts. In general, Networking 2.0 increases our visibility and influence and helps establish new relationships at a distance. It is a key complementary tool to face-to-face networking. To be able to put it into practice, we will review the different stages by which progress is made in Networking 2.0. We will see what a digital identity is and how we can build it. Once built, we will focus on how to manage our visibility on the Internet and our online reputation.

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ON17 Online - Take time out of time

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you accumulate a lot of things on your desk? Does your head go more often than you would like and you lose concentration in the work? How long do you take to answer a message from a friend when you are working? Some bad habits can cause us difficulties when it comes to efficiently organizing our work.

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ON50 Online - Benefits of planning and organizing

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge about planning and organizing. Planning and organizing that will help you to be a more productive person and to be able to enjoy your time by reducing stress and anxiety.

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ON52 Online - Apply visual thinking to your job search

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this webinar we reflect on how to apply visual thinking in processes of job search, decision-making and personal growth. Projecting a future vision of yourself and drawing it can help you order your ideas and make tangible the actions you need to take in order to achieve your professional goals. Dare to grab a sheet of paper, colours and start drawing your professional challenges. Enhancing your visual and creative thinking will help you to see things from a different perspective.

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ON42 Online- Agile mindset: put it into action!

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

How can I innovate in my job? How do I self-manage my time? How do I adapt to constant change? In this course we will focus on how to apply the agile management methodology to answer these and other questions. This model implies being more agile and flexible with the environment and, on the other hand, knowing different agile management techniques.

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ON16 Online - Day by day organization

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Day by day organization" is a course in which you will work your planning and organization skills. It is an eminently practical course, which will give you tools to be an organized person at work, and so, you will see if you make a good management of your time.

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ON32 Online - How to work remotely or telecommute effectively

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Since the pandemic, there has been a major transformation in how we manage our time and where we work from. A lot of people have their office at home now, and the boundaries between the personal and the professional lives often seem blurred. Experts predict a coexistence between on-site and remote work in the near future. In this webinar we will reflect on some of the key aspects to gain in efficiency and productivity when working from home. We will see how to make time our ally, leaving bad habits and time thieves behind. We will learn how to plan and manage interruptions and unforeseen events and how to organise ourselves at home, as it is now our office.

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EC349 - Aula Virtual - Millora la teva visió estratègica

Monosessió | Teacher: Josep Ramón Nolla Marlés

Saps quins passos seguir quan tens clar un objectiu? Saps què fer per adaptar-te als reptes que planteja la teva organització? Aprèn i entrena la teva orientació estratègica: com desenvolupar idees, plantejar reptes i assolir objectius.

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EC350 - Aula Virtual -Aconsegueix els teus propòsits!

Monosessió | Teacher: Josep Ramón Nolla Marlés

Vols millorar la teva eficiència per aconseguir millors resultats? Focalitzes adequadament les teves accions cap a la consecució dels objectius esperats? Amb aquesta activitat aprofundiràs en l'orientació a l'assoliment i aprendràs les bases per desenvolupar aquesta competència.

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EC320 - Treballa de forma més àgil i fluïda

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Introdueix-te a la cultura i a les metodologies Agile, la forma de treballar més utilitzada i aplicables que s'està implementant a les organitzacions. Vivim en un context canviant, imprevisible i moltes vegades caòtic i ara més que mai hem d'adquirir unes competències personals diferents per ajudar-nos a ser més adaptables.  

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EC330 - Aula Virtual - Millora la productivitat amb Kanban

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Aprèn sobre Kanban, un sistema visual de gestió de tasques que millora l'eficiència i l'efectivitat per aconseguir els objectius aportant més valor al que fas i el temps que dediques. I organitza't millor!

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EC322 - Redueix el risc i millora la qualitat en un projecte

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Vols aprendre a fer un projecte flexible i en equip? A simple vista creus que tens tot controlat i que anirà sobre rodes però durant el desenvolupament els requeriments canvien i tot trontolla. Amb aquesta sessió s'aprèn a fer una planificació de tasques, seguiment de l'execució, proves i correccions en cada lliurament.

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ON25 Online - Networking in networks

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

In this course we will get to know and understand what we mean when we talk about Networking 2.0 and how we can make use of it in order to improve our contacts. In general, Networking 2.0 increases our visibility and influence and helps establish new relationships at a distance. It is a key complementary tool to face-to-face networking. To be able to put it into practice, we will review the different stages by which progress is made in Networking 2.0. We will see what a digital identity is and how we can build it. Once built, we will focus on how to manage our visibility on the Internet and our online reputation.

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ON17 Online - Take time out of time

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you accumulate a lot of things on your desk? Does your head go more often than you would like and you lose concentration in the work? How long do you take to answer a message from a friend when you are working? Some bad habits can cause us difficulties when it comes to efficiently organizing our work.

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ON50 Online - Benefits of planning and organizing

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge about planning and organizing. Planning and organizing that will help you to be a more productive person and to be able to enjoy your time by reducing stress and anxiety.

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ON52 Online - Apply visual thinking to your job search

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this webinar we reflect on how to apply visual thinking in processes of job search, decision-making and personal growth. Projecting a future vision of yourself and drawing it can help you order your ideas and make tangible the actions you need to take in order to achieve your professional goals. Dare to grab a sheet of paper, colours and start drawing your professional challenges. Enhancing your visual and creative thinking will help you to see things from a different perspective.

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ON42 Online- Agile mindset: put it into action!

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

How can I innovate in my job? How do I self-manage my time? How do I adapt to constant change? In this course we will focus on how to apply the agile management methodology to answer these and other questions. This model implies being more agile and flexible with the environment and, on the other hand, knowing different agile management techniques.

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ON16 Online - Day by day organization

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

"Day by day organization" is a course in which you will work your planning and organization skills. It is an eminently practical course, which will give you tools to be an organized person at work, and so, you will see if you make a good management of your time.

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ON32 Online - How to work remotely or telecommute effectively

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Since the pandemic, there has been a major transformation in how we manage our time and where we work from. A lot of people have their office at home now, and the boundaries between the personal and the professional lives often seem blurred. Experts predict a coexistence between on-site and remote work in the near future. In this webinar we will reflect on some of the key aspects to gain in efficiency and productivity when working from home. We will see how to make time our ally, leaving bad habits and time thieves behind. We will learn how to plan and manage interruptions and unforeseen events and how to organise ourselves at home, as it is now our office.

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EC320 - Treballa de forma més àgil i fluïda

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Introdueix-te a la cultura i a les metodologies Agile, la forma de treballar més utilitzada i aplicables que s'està implementant a les organitzacions. Vivim en un context canviant, imprevisible i moltes vegades caòtic i ara més que mai hem d'adquirir unes competències personals diferents per ajudar-nos a ser més adaptables.  

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EC322 - Redueix el risc i millora la qualitat en un projecte

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Vols aprendre a fer un projecte flexible i en equip? A simple vista creus que tens tot controlat i que anirà sobre rodes però durant el desenvolupament els requeriments canvien i tot trontolla. Amb aquesta sessió s'aprèn a fer una planificació de tasques, seguiment de l'execució, proves i correccions en cada lliurament.

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EC349 - Aula Virtual - Millora la teva visió estratègica

Monosessió | Teacher: Josep Ramón Nolla Marlés

Saps quins passos seguir quan tens clar un objectiu? Saps què fer per adaptar-te als reptes que planteja la teva organització? Aprèn i entrena la teva orientació estratègica: com desenvolupar idees, plantejar reptes i assolir objectius.

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EC350 - Aula Virtual -Aconsegueix els teus propòsits!

Monosessió | Teacher: Josep Ramón Nolla Marlés

Vols millorar la teva eficiència per aconseguir millors resultats? Focalitzes adequadament les teves accions cap a la consecució dels objectius esperats? Amb aquesta activitat aprofundiràs en l'orientació a l'assoliment i aprendràs les bases per desenvolupar aquesta competència.

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EC330 - Aula Virtual - Millora la productivitat amb Kanban

Monosessió | Teacher: Be Up Flow S.L.

Aprèn sobre Kanban, un sistema visual de gestió de tasques que millora l'eficiència i l'efectivitat per aconseguir els objectius aportant més valor al que fas i el temps que dediques. I organitza't millor!

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Calendari d'Activitats

Anterior September , 2024 Següent

Personalised AdviceBarcelona Treball als districtes

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE