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The function of the Dentistry Teacher-Researcher is to educate and generate knowledge in the field of dentistry. This individual has received training in scientific thinking, complemented with skills, abilities and knowledge that ensure broad and effective development in research and in the academic and teaching fields, as well as a critical approach, with the ability to quickly learn and obtain ongoing training. In addition, they are able to come up with innovative ideas, design research projects and write scientific texts. They have sufficient proficiency working with sources of general and specialised information, such as the Internet and databases.


Research dentists are responsible for managing their time between research and teaching, in order to generate knowledge and educate students in the field of dentistry. The main tasks carried out by this type of dentist are:

In the field of research:
Generating new forms of knowledge and critically assimilating new scientific developments and technology:
Developing research skills, applying knowledge and fomulating solutions to professional issues relevant to the area of oral health.
Establishing research study plans in order to develop research processes.
Developing administrative and project management aptitudes and producing knowledge, including publishing research articles.
Participating in congresses in order to share new knowledge with the scientific community.

In the field of teaching:
Offer scientific training, through teaching, with a high degree of sensitivity, social and ethical commitment.
Developing knowledge, talent and skills which allow students to actively participate in research processes in order to generate, transfer and acquire new knowledge in the field of odontology.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE