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Consumer goods technician; Consumer information tecnician; Consumer goods inspection technician; Consumer mediator; OMIC (Municipal Consumer Information Office) Technician.


As suggested by the name, consumer information and protection technicians have the following duties: to inform users or consumers of goods or services on all aspects related to their rights and obligations, in accordance with current consumer protection legislation; to carry out checks on establishments, industries, activities, products and services in relation to consumer protection; to manage possible actions resulting from the application of current consumer protection legislation; and to actively participate in consumer mediation actions and arbitration processes. The goods and services they provide information on include everything to do with food (for example, the quality and healthiness of food products, restaurant services, labelling regulations, nutrition, etc.).


  • Manage consumer complaints and claims and carry out the necessary procedures to initiate their processing.
  • Act as mediator in consumer disputes.
  • Take an active part in arbitration actions with the Consumer Ombudsman, in issues related to consumer spending and protection. In this case, if you are a member of the Ombudsman Association, specific training is required.
  • Process records on consumer and user complaints to public administration consumer protection (Consumer Mediation Board, City Council Consumer Department).
  • When you work for a company that has sanctioning authority, you can:
    Create inspection plans for products and services, in accordance with current legal regulations.
    Inspect goods or services used by users and consumers in relaton to the relevant legal regulations.
    Draw up onsite inspection reports, on the basis of relevant indicators or non-compliance with current legal regulations.
    Lift sanctions when the sanctions applied are unsuitable or there has been a failure to apply them within the legal timeframe.
  • When you work for a company that has sanctioning authority, you can:
    Create inspection plans for products and services, in accordance with current legal regulations.
    Inspect goods or services used by users and consumers in relaton to the relevant legal regulations.
    Carry out inspections, reporting any violations of the regulations observed and recommending the actions necessary in order to comply with current legal regulations.
    Enforce sanctions when the necessary actions have not been performed or the legal deadline to do so has elapsed.
  • When you do not work for a company with sanctioning authority, you can carry out inspections and issue inspection reports, but recommended actions for improvement are not binding.
  • Collaborate with other consumer protection organisations, as well as consumer associations. Provide advice on information to be included in the publication of material occasionally sent to clients or material to be included in a structured awareness campaign.
  • Complile and update a database with consumer legislation and regulations.
  • Carry out investigations or create the necessary technical documentation to undertake tasks.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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