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R&D+i Manager


The R&D&I engineer in the automotive industry is in charge of the product search, development and innovation processes at companies of the automotive sector, both vehicle and part manufacturers. This is the person responsible for the design, execution, coordination and carrying out of projects that should lead to new products in the future. This professional must have a high capacity for technological innovation and the development of new vehicles or parts. It should be added that, considering the magnitude of the companies of the automotive sector, the R&D&I engineer should lead a group of highly-specialised technicians. The head of R&D&I generally reports to the R&D&I director.


  • Lead the search for new products that could be a reality in the near future.
  • Develop the different models resulting from the search.
  • Create new prototypes in order to assess feasibility.
  • Conduct the relevant tests on prototypes in order to select those that have industrial possibilities, carrying out relevant corrections and innovations.
  • Determine the financial feasibility of the projects.
  • Inform and provide management with all the documentation necessary to carry out the project that will give rise to a new product, innovation or improvement of an existing product.
  • Manage the people under their responsibility.
  • Identify possible public or private financing funds for the carrying out of projects.