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The food industry encompasses a series of economic activities associated with agriculture and livestock operations on the one hand, and the food and drink industry on the other. All these activities entail manufacturing processes and the transformation of raw material. This industry comprises the entire production cycle of a food or drink, as it includes activities closely related to the primary sector, such as agriculture and livestock operations, through to the transformation of these products and the research of new food products and their specialist distribution and sale.

Agro-food industry

01-2006 |  *** | Catalan | Beginner

Documents (5 of 5)

Sector overview: Food

07-2024 |  ** | Catalan | Advanced

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following sections: in short, digital transformation, strengths of the sector in Barcelona, the most sought-after (professional profiles and skills) and the future of the sector

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 07-2024


Sector Report: Food

12-2023 |  * | English | Beginner

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 12-2023


Focus sectorial: Sustainable food

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

Brief report about the evolution of the food industry towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly model. It also talks about how this change will modify traditional professional profiles

Brief report about the evolution of the food industry towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly model. It also talks about how this change will modify traditional professional profiles and create new ones.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Compendium of resources for job search in the Food sector

10-2022 |  *** | English | Beginner

Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the

Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the different job search channels in the Food sector with all the resources that may be useful to you: employment portals, recruitment companies, company directories, etc. As well as advice to guide your job search in this sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 10-2022


Itineraris de transició del sector industrial tradicional al sector industrial emergent

09-2011 |  *** | Catalan | Advanced

Estudi elaborat en el marc del projecte "Noves competències, noves oportunitats" en el que es descriuen 12 itineraris de reorientació des de sectors industrials tradicionals a sectors industrials emergents.

Estudi elaborat en el marc del projecte "Noves competències, noves oportunitats" en el que es descriuen 12 itineraris de reorientació des de sectors industrials tradicionals a sectors industrials emergents. Cada itinerari especifica les responsabilitats, tasques, formació i competències dels perfils d'origen i de destí i els complements de formació necessaris per tal de d'assolir la requalificació.

Author: Fundació CIREM
Publishing date: 09-2011


Related Videos (2 of 2)

Sectorial testimony: Maria Vilella

María Vilella, researcher at IRTA, Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology, tells us about the professionals dedicated to food quality, what the new trends are in this field and what profiles are in demand in this area.

Sectorial testimony:Jordi Valls

Jordi Valls, General Manager of Mercabarna tells us about the commitment made by the food sector for the professions involved in the bio transition, both from the farm, and from the logistical field. Traditional profiles will continue to be in demand, but new profiles linked to food technology and product traceability and certification will also emerge.

Useful links (5 of 11)

Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària. Departament de Salut

23-05-2024 |  *** | Catalan | Beginner

L'Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària (ACSA) és un organisme autònom adscrit al Departament de Salut, que té com a finalitat aconseguir el màxim grau de seguretat alimentària a Catalunya

L'Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària (ACSA) és un organisme autònom adscrit al Departament de Salut, que té com a finalitat aconseguir el màxim grau de seguretat alimentària a Catalunya mitjançant la planificació i la coordinació de les actuacions de control, amb la col·laboració i la cooperació de les diferents administracions públiques i dels sectors l'activitat dels quals incideixen, directament o indirectament, en la seguretat alimentària.

Date of issue: 23-05-2024|en)


23-05-2024 |  *** | other | Advanced

L'organització Alimentaria Exhibitions, joint venture entre Fira de Barcelona i Reed Exhibitions, presenta fires del sector de l'alimentació, la restauració, el comerç internacional i sobre les tendències que marquen

L'organització Alimentaria Exhibitions, joint venture entre Fira de Barcelona i Reed Exhibitions, presenta fires del sector de l'alimentació, la restauració, el comerç internacional i sobre les tendències que marquen el futur, liderant el mercat firal internacional en el sector alimentari.

Date of issue: 23-05-2024

CCPAE - Consell Català de la Producció Agrària Ecològica

23-05-2024 |  *** | English | Beginner

El Consell Català de la Producció Agrària Ecològica (CCPAE) és una corporació de dret públic amb personalitat jurídica pròpia. Aquest òrgan està tutelat pel Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació

El Consell Català de la Producció Agrària Ecològica (CCPAE) és una corporació de dret públic amb personalitat jurídica pròpia. Aquest òrgan està tutelat pel Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya. La seva funció és auditar i certificar els productes agroalimentaris ecològics de casa nostra.

Date of issue: 23-05-2024


10-01-2024 |  ** | English | Beginner

Food sector has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let us explain to

Food sector has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let us explain to you what these changes have been and look to the future of the sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 10-01-2024

Food Sector Infographic: sector's ecosystem

23-03-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem that forms the food sector in the city.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022

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