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GIS application technician; GPS applications expert; Precision agriculture applications expert.


This professional uses electronics, IT, and telecommunications to develop applications in agriculture, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture that allow for the optimisation of existing resources, whether they are natural (automated irrigation, solar energy), as well as economics (software for the profitability of crops, greenhouse control, farm management, automation of animal feeding processes, etc.). To carry out his/her tasks, he/she may use tools such as GIS (Geographic information Systems), GPS (Global positioning Systems) and electronic image processing tools, among others, that allow to know the intensity and the optimal moment for carrying out agricultural operations.


  • Design, select and use equipment and widgets from the field of electronics, IT and telecommunications that may be an application in agricultural, livestock, fishing and aquaculture holdings.
  • Develop applications with the help of tools provided by electronics, robotics and IT which allow to control variables and carry out actions to control the variables that act on agriculture (weather, available water, presence of a pest, nutritional status of the soil, level of soil moisture, etc.).
  • Create devices for agricultural machinery (tractors, pickers, etc.) which make it possible to control different variables (tractor capacity, manure distribution, etc.) that can be optimised in order to gain an advantage, whether economic (improve output, reduce spending on phytosanitary products, etc.) or environmental (for example, not using phytosanitary techniques or manure unnecessarily and avoiding excessive use thereof, which has an impact on the environment).
  • Create maps to be able to interpret the information and work with the data so that they can be a useful tool for decision making.
  • Interpret data information and work with them so that they can be a useful tool in decision-making.
  • Perform field testing, prototypes, contrast variables and make the appropriate modifications.
  • Solve farmers and customer enquiries and make decisions based on the data extracted from these tools.
  • Formulate, set out and provide policies for the acquisition of specialised electronic equipment.
  • They may participate in research programmes and projects.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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