As part of both the finance system and the financial management of companies and organisations, the activities performed by this sub-industry enhance the strength of the local economy and the companies and organisations that form part of it. It employs different professional profiles who work in finance departments, at insurance companies, administrative agencies or for auditors, as well as investment and treasury management firms.
29-12-2023 | | English | Beginner
Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 29-12-2023
19-10-2022 | | English | Beginner
Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 19-10-2022
¿Interview with Alfonso Roa, President of association European Financial Planning's Accreditation and Certification Committee, in which he gives his views on the current trends in heritage management.
Author: Barcelona Treball
01-02-2010 | | English | Advanced
Interview with insurance advisor Concepció Llorente, in which she gives her views on the latest trends in the insurance industry.
Author: Barcelona Treball
Publishing date: 01-02-2010
01-02-2010 | | English | Advanced
Interview with Isabel Sánchez, Manager of Triodos Bank's Catalonia and Balearic Islands Office, in which she gives her views on the current trends in the field of ethical banking.
Author: Barcelona Treball
Publishing date: 01-02-2010
14-02-2024 | | English | Beginner
Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem
Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 22-01-2024
18-01-2023 | | English | Beginner
In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Organisations and business sector, some of the most outstanding jobs
Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022
29-12-2020 | | English | Advanced
Portal de la Borsa de Barcelona que conté informació sobre els diferents mercats de valors, publicacions, índex de cotització, empreses cotitzades, etc.
29-12-2020 | | Catalan | Advanced
Institució que organitza activitats i serveis molt diversos per a economistes i que es configura com un centre de formació i reciclatge de professionals. El Col·legi ofereix programes generals,
29-12-2020 | | Spanish | Advanced
Associació que certifica la idoneïtat professional per exercir tasques de gestió i assessoria financera a particulars en banca personal o privada.
Display Industry's jobs
Organisations and business
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