The consolidation and growth of companies depends, to a large extent, on the abilities of individuals responsible for their management, who must manage the companies' material and human resources appropriately, with a view to achieving the ideal balance between them. The business management sub-industry consists of activities that have a direct impact on the proper management of business organisations, which include organisation and human resources, procurement or administrative tasks, defining the business strategy and occupational risk prevention.
29-12-2023 | | English | Beginner
Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 29-12-2023
09-08-2023 | | English | Advanced
This document focuses on corporate communication in the Internet age as an expanding job market and describes the professional profiles involved in this new type of communication.
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 09-08-2023
07-08-2023 | | English | Advanced
Brief report about the new context of talent management for organizations and labor trends which is transforming business culture. It also describes the impact on professional profiles dedicated to
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 07-08-2023
19-10-2022 | | English | Beginner
Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the
Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 19-10-2022
Jordi Oliver, general director of Inèdit, talks about the importance of the green and circular economy in the future of this area, how it will transform the work of the professionals involved and what will be the new structures nedeed.
Xavier Marcet, Managing Director of Lead to Chance, explains where the consulting sector will evolve due to the impact of AI and how it will transform the work of professionals inside.
14-02-2024 | | English | Beginner
Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem
Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 22-01-2024
18-01-2023 | | English | Beginner
In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Organisations and business sector, some of the most outstanding jobs
Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022
31-12-2020 | | Spanish | Beginner
La Asociación Española de Empresas de Consultoría (AEC) agrupa a les principals signatures de consultoria en adreça i organizaciónde d'empreses i de tecnologia d'informació i comunicació a Espanya, i
01-07-2020 | | Spanish | Advanced
La Asociación Española de Empresas de Consultoría (AEC) agrupa a les principals consultores d'Espanya i és referent en el sector. L'associació té per objectiu donar a conèixer i promocionar
01-07-2020 | | Spanish | Beginner
AGERS entén que la gestió eficient dels riscos constituïx un component bàsic de l'avantatge competitiu de les empreses i per a assolir aquest objectiu d'informació al teixit empresarial espanyol,
Display Industry's jobs
Organisations and business
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