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Statisticians apply elements of inferential statistical theory (sampling) to the design of field studies to investigate specific issues related to decision-making in areas such as market analysis, quality testing, environmental impact, etc. They may specialise in a range of fields, such as biostatistics, business statistics or statistical quality control, among others. To perform this role they must have thorough knowledge of the most commonly used statistical software (SPSS. SPAD, BMDP, etc.).


Statisticians can work in two different fields:
  • Mathematical (or theoretical) statistics:
    Generate hypotheses, theories or models on the basis of data analyses.
    Develop and test new experimental designs, sampling techniques and analytical methods.
    Examine theories such as probability theory in order to discover the mathematical foundations for new statistical methods or to improve existing ones.
    Develop appropriate statistical methodologies to describe the characteristics of variables (economic, demographic, biomedical, etc.) or to identify associations between different variables.
    Search for new sources of information and assess their reliability.
  • Applied statistics:
    Plan data collection methodologies.
    Select the universe about which they wish to obtain data and, where necessary, design the samples.
    Design questionnaires or other techniques to obtain the information.
    Perform or supervise the collection of data using the chosen sampling technique.
    Study the results statistically using suitable software (SPSS, SPAD, BMDP, etc.).
    Analyse and interpret the results obtained.
    Assess the strategies or actions to be implemented in line with the results obtained.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE