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Security managers carry out their occupation in privately owned companies. In accordance with the regulations pursuant to private security (Act 23/1992, date 30 July, on Private Security and deriving regulations), this professional profile is mandatory if the company employs twenty-four or more security guards, or when due to its business activity, the company is obliged by law to have a security system or service, as is the case for banks, building societies and credit entities.

In order to be able to carry out the duties typical of a security director, it is necessary to have the previous authorisation of the Home Office and to fulfil the requirements established by private security regulations (no criminal record, no sanctions for serious or very serious security-related offences, etc.).


The tasks carried out by the head of security are set forth in Act 23/1992, dated 30 July, on Private Security and deriving regulations. In this manner:
  • S/he must manage and organise the company's security service.
    Analyse risk situations and plan and programme the necessary actions to implement security services.
    Organise, manage and inspect the private security services.
  • Manage security guards and forestmen.
    Organise, manage and examine private security staff.
    Propose the security systems best suited to each case and supervise their use, operation and preservation and maintenance.
    Propose appropriate measures to address any deficiencies spotted in the behaviour of security staff with regard to the service provided.
  • Monitor the operation and maintenance of physical and electronic systems installed in the company. Process any data obtained from security systems installed in the company.
  • Coordinate the different security services assigned to him, implementing the civil protection actions required in the event of an emergency, catastrophy or public disaster.
  • Ensure that the security services of the company operate in partnership with the relevant departments of the state security forces and bodies (State Police, Civil Guard, Regional and Local Police forces).
  • Ensure the fulfilment of mandatory security regulations. Depending on the services provided, the security company must fulfil a set of specific regulations; the head of security is the person in charge of ensuring these are fulfilled. For example, there are minimum standards a bank equipped with a strong-room must fulfil, which are established by Private Security Regulations.
  • Be actively involved in crisis plans, whether as an integral part of the crisis committee in which s/he plays a key role or as an external controller.
  • Jointly with the company management, define secure information routes and horizontal and vertical classification regarding the confidentiality of company documents, and intervene in controlling their distribution.
  • Work with other managers to define and control any risks linked to company technology and the implications of its use in the workplace, especially when linked to company information and the Internet.
  • Establish control and defence procedures against internal risks, such as unspecified losses, the disclosure of secrets, unlawful competition, crimes against intellectual and industrial property, administrative offences linked to the Data Protection Act and the Law of Information Society Services (LSSI), claims for damages and prejudice to ethical or material third parties.
  • Participate in the definition and implementation of continuity and disaster recovery systems.
  • Participate in the definition of preferred profiles in the context of strategic company staff recruitment.
  • Lend advice and participate in drawing up of contracts and establishing strategic business alliances.
  • Work in partnership with security forces and institutions. Private security regulations stipulate the subordination of private security companies to public safety. The head of security is therefore obliged to share any important information or report any situations which might help protect, maintain or recover citizen safety.

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Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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