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Planner; account planner


Faced with the need to develop and appropriately balance the targets set by the communication department and the resources available, strategic planners analyse the situation on the market and that of the client for which they work, to set the communication course of action to be followed. Thus, they are responsible for positioning and leading the actions to achieve the set targets, investigating and analysing consumer realities and trends. Using the information contained in the brief, search for and analyse figures in order to establish the causes for people's behaviour and the products or services that serve to meet their needs.


  • Participate in the creation process and management of brands.
  • Produce advertising strategies on behalf of clients.
  • Write up briefings related to creativity and media.
  • Provide support for the development, coordination, execution and monitoring of publicity campaigns.
  • Monitor the advertising campaigns of the client competition.
  • Research and communicate with the companies carrying out this advertising activity.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE