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Sport and Wellness

The sport and wellness industry spans all activities that seek to promote the integrated wellness of citizens. Both the activities associated with participation in sports and those of a more therapeutic nature seek to promote a healthy lifestyle through practices that respond to the physical, psychological and emotions needs of the individual. The industry employs professionals with experience in a multitude of sports events, including professionals who work with sports teams, and encompasses a wide variety of professional profiles associated with alternative methodologies and therapies aimed at improving people's wellness.

Wellbeing and personal image staff

01-2006 |  *** | Catalan | Beginner

Documents (5 of 6)

Sector Overview: Sport and Welness

04-2024 |  * | English | Advanced

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following sections: in short, digital transformation, strengths of the sector in Barcelona, the most sought-after (professional profiles and skills) and the future of the sector

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 04-2024


Focus sectorial: Sports gadgets

02-2024 |  * | English | Advanced

Brief document that talks about the trends of sports widgets and the impact on new professional profiles

Brief document that talks about the trends of sports widgets and the impact on new professional profiles

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 02-2024


Sector Report: Sport and Wellness

12-2023 |  * | English | Beginner

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 12-2023


Focus sectorial: Electronic sports, e-sports

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

This short document defines and conceptualizes e-sport as a new sport mode and describes professional profiles required.

This short document defines and conceptualizes e-sport as a new sport mode and describes professional profiles required.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Compendium of resources for job search in the Sports and Wellness sector

10-2022 |  *** | English | Beginner

Do you know where to find job offers that may interest you according to the sector where you are looking for? We provide you in the document below with

Do you know where to find job offers that may interest you according to the sector where you are looking for? We provide you in the document below with various channels available to job search in the industry of Sport and Wellness sector, with all the resources that you may find useful: job portals, recruitment companies, enterprise directories, etc. As well as tips to guide your job search in this sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 10-2022


more Documents

Related Videos (5 of 5)

Sectorial testimony: Victor Casanovas

Victor Casanovas, expert in digital strategy and sports at the agency Sevenmila, explains how a sports event is organized and which are the professionals in demand, also highlights the importance of the hybrid model for face-to-face and online events.

Sectorial testimony: Alex Badrena

Àlex Badrena, general director of ISMET, tells us about the different disciplines within natural therapies and tells us how demand and supply are developed.

Sectorial testimony: Coral Vila

Coral Vila, physical education teacher and also rugby coach of the women's GEIEG, explains the profiles most demanded in the sports clubs and the required skills.

Sectorial testimony : Angel Panicello

The adventure tourism expert Angel Panicello explains the trends and job opportunities in this field.

Jornada sectorial: Turisme esportiu

Vídeo que resumeix les principals conclusions de la jornada sobre Turisme Esportiu, en què se n'analitzen les tendències més destacades i les oportunitats d'ocupació del sector.

Useful links (5 of 5)

Sport and Wellness sector Infographic: sector's ecosystem

23-03-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem that forms the Sport and Wellness sector in the city.

Author: Barcelona Activa

Sport and Wellness Sector Infographic: From Training to occupation

18-01-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Sport and Wellness sector, some of the most outstanding jobs

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Sport and Wellness sector, some of the most outstanding jobs and what the sector particularly values and demands.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022

Col·legi de Professionals de l'Activitat Física i de l'Esport a Catalunya

07-01-2021 |  ** | Catalan | Beginner

Portal del Col·legi de Professionals de l'Activitat Física i de l'Esport a Catalunya (COPLEFC). Ofereix pautes sobre com col·legiar-se o associar-se, informació sobre formacions i cursos, agenda d'activitats, publicacions

Portal del Col·legi de Professionals de l'Activitat Física i de l'Esport a Catalunya (COPLEFC). Ofereix pautes sobre com col·legiar-se o associar-se, informació sobre formacions i cursos, agenda d'activitats, publicacions esportives i altres serveis específics per persones col·legiades (borsa de treball, assessorament i consultes professionals, entre d'altres).

Web d'Esport de la Generalitat

29-12-2020 |  ** | Catalan | Beginner

Web d'esport de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Permet fer tràmits associatius i de lleure, consultar notícies, contactar amb les diferents dependències i representacions vinculades i a més aglutina informació

Web d'esport de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Permet fer tràmits associatius i de lleure, consultar notícies, contactar amb les diferents dependències i representacions vinculades i a més aglutina informació diferents temes vinculats a l'esport (federacions, alt rendiment, activitat física i salut, documentació i recerca esportiva, entitats esportives, equipaments esportius, esport escolar i universitari, formació esportiva, etc).

Web del Ministerio i del Consejo Superior de Deportes

29-12-2020 |  ** | Spanish | Beginner

Web del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte i del Consejo Superior de Deportes. Inclou informació sobre federacions, associacions, promoció de l'esport, temes d'alta competició i notícies i publicacions d'interès,

Web del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte i del Consejo Superior de Deportes. Inclou informació sobre federacions, associacions, promoció de l'esport, temes d'alta competició i notícies i publicacions d'interès, etc.

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Sport and Wellness

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