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Natural therapies are a set of diverse methodologies and techniques that have the common objective of understanding and treating the health of the individual from a holistic version, in a sense of psychic and physical totality, individual and integrated with the environment that surrounds it.

These specialists are experts in some of the different disciplines that make up natural therapies (chiromassage, reflex therapy, shiatsu and drainage, among others), which are applied and adapted to the needs of each patient.

These professionals design, develop and implement therapeutic actions with curative purposes in order to achieve improvements in recovery processes, either as specific activities, or as complementary activities within the framework of a more generic health program.


Natural therapeutic specialists carry out the following tasks:
  • Check the person's medical history or interpret his or her diagnosis in order to establish the programme and specifically direct treatment sessions:
    Carry out an examination of the patient, which includes manual palpation tests of the affected areas, and an in-depth interview in order to link factors and causes.
    Interpret and evaluate other diagnoses provided by the user of their service, as well as the information given by biology or radiological examinations, and other types of paraclinical examinations, and finally the efficacy of other treatments that have been previously practiced.
    With all the information, identify the causal factors and diagnose the problem, in accordance with the principles of the therapies in which they have experience.
    Design individually or with other professionals, a personalised treatment and therapy appropriate to the diagnosed situation in order to improve the healing and health processes.
  • Inform about the principles of the therapy that they will use, as well as the selected technique and other tools that will be used during the sessions.
  • Carry out the work sessions and, if necessary, select complementary tools for their manipulations: oils, creams and other related substances.
    Perform manipulations on the area of the body to be treated, directing and measuring the effect, intensity and duration of the manipulations.
  • Provide recommendations about habits and routines that may favour or improve the diagnosis.
  • Clinically monitor patients' progress.
  • Care for and ensure that therapy tools and instruments used in work sessions and the equipment in the work area are maintained in perfect conditions of maintenance, hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Undergo specialisation and enhancement courses on innovations in their speciality.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE