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Person with knowledge of vegetation, fauna, geography, geology, use of natural resources, management and impact of human activities on the environment, etc., who carries out the tasks of guide and provides nature information to various groups. They usually work for school groups, from pre-school to General Secondary Education (ESO), but can also work for adult groups. In the first case, they organise activities to foster knowledge about and familiarity with nature. In the case of adults, the activity is based more on the development of guided routes that provide information on different ecology matters or even astronomy sessions.


  • Prepare and carry out various activities that foster knowledge about the natural and rural environment, adapted to the different ages of the children who participate.
  • Prepare and carry out itineraries of various durations and difficulties, taking into account logistical and educational aspects.
  • Provide information on matters related to nature, meteorology, traditions and rural life, according to each route.
  • Ensure that the activity is correctly carried out, including the care and physical safety of the participants.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE