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Technical adviser specialised in hairdressing products


This is the hairdressing professional responsible for carrying out initial tests relating to usage and application of hairdressing products, once laboratory development is complete and before proceeding to the marketing stage. His/her work objectives are directly related to those of the marketing department, as their reports serve to carry out descriptions and indications of use, or recommendations relating to the product in question. Furthermore, they also serve to improve apects related to appearance and handling, and to objectively position the product in relation to the competition.


  • Keep in direct contact with the relevant Product Managers and receive the products to be tested. These tend to be professional hairdressing products such as dyes, shampoos, creams, hairsprays, foams, hair gels, perm solutions, styling waxes, etc.
  • Test these products in the pilot hairdressing salon, on several persons offering themselves up as volunteers for these practice sessions.
  • Draw up a technical sheet for each customer with their personal details and hair-specific information to have these at hand when needed. Customers must give their consent before participating in these sessions.
  • Carry out a detailed observation of the properties of the product when trying it on the customer's head, making a note of any improvements, handling characteristics, textures, smells, etc. The analysis is not carried out according to chemical or composition variables ( this work having been carried out previously in the R&D laboratory), but rather from the perspective of professional use,with emphasis on assessing its ease of use, application, effects on the hair, etc.
  • Draw up a minutely detailed test report upon completing the relevant testing operations on the hair . Said report must include all of the information in order to allow its interpretation by the marketing department (with regard to product strategy) and, if necessary, the chemicals team (with regard to composition).
  • Intermittently carry out comparative studies with similar products from the competition (benchmarking) in order to contrast results and help define a suitable market position, knowing how to highlight any improvements, differences etc., of one's own product.
  • Run training programmes with practical product use sessions for other hairdressing professionals, according to the case at hand and the structure of the employer company.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE