These professionals define the marketing and promotion strategy of a territory, destination, tourist or leisure service within an organisation.
To do their job, these professionals must have in-depth knowledge of the tourism market, since they directly intervene in decisions regarding the form (design of the message and choice of media) and the moment, to market a tourism product, with the objective of accessing different audiences, from different geographical areas and with diverse social and economic interests.
Apart from designing the promotion strategy, they also design new products or tourist packages, which include transport and accommodation in a tourist destination at a very competitive price and which will later be marketed by wholesalers (Tour Operators), travel agencies or independent small companies (Destination Management Companies).
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h