A technician / specialist in nautical carpentry uses his or her skills and knowledge to build, repair and refurbish structures and accessory elements of all types of boats made of wood, such as windows, ceilings, floors, walls and doors as well as furniture made of wood, among other structures. They use a wide variety of hand and power tools to cut, shape and assemble wooden structures. A technician / specialist in nautical carpentry uses his or her skills to build structures and accessories, such as windows, doors, stairs, furniture and furnishings made of wood or any of its derivatives. They plan their task, select the materials and tools they will need to do the renovation or repair work on wood correctly and safely, cutting and assembling wooden structures. They use a wide range of tools that can be manual or mechanical (saws, hammers, brushes and polishing tools). The activity is similar to the work of a professional craftsman, since the quality of the finishing touches are generally very high and demanding. The job of a nautical carpenter requires working directly on the boat where the refurbishment, maintenance or repair operations are to be carried out, but also in the workshop where they have the tools and machines to make the necessary parts and wooden elements that they will then adapt to the boat. A technician / specialist in nautical carpentry takes on the tasks of caulking (covering the boards of boats and small wooden boats with various materials and then covering them with a layer of pitch to prevent the passage of water), interior carpentry, the manufacture and installation of wooden decks and also the construction of boats themselves (boat carpenter). He usually works in companies that carry out the maintenance, repair and restructuring of ships and boats.
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h