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The Information and Communication (ICT) sub-industry is a key industry in Barcelona and Catalonia, both in itself and on account of the impact it has on improving business competitiveness. Catalonia is home to a fourth of all ICT companies in Spain. The core of ICT activities in Catalonia and Barcelona is focussed mainly on a web of SMEs which seek to offer ICT services and develop high-quality software. Even so, the city is increasingly attracting major ICT firms offering highly specialised services. The ICT industry is structured around the intensive and extensive application of information technologies and telecommunications throughout all aspects of life and the economy. It employs a wide variety of professional profiles, all connected to the main areas of this sub-industry: infrastructure, digital solutions and technical support.

Telecommunications and ICT

01-2006 |  *** | Catalan | Beginner

Documents (5 of 11)

Sector Overview: ICT

04-2024 |  * | English | Advanced

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following sections: in short, digital transformation, strengths of the sector in Barcelona, the most sought-after (professional profiles and skills) and the future of the sector

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 04-2024


Sector Report: ICT

12-2023 |  * | English | Beginner

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 12-2023


Focus sectorial: Big data

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

Brief report about the applications and benefits of Big Data for companies. It also highlights the impact on professional profiles.

Brief report about the applications and benefits of Big Data for companies. It also highlights the impact on professional profiles.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Focus sectorial: Programming

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

This document tells how programming is an essential competence beyond the ICT sector and the importance it has within the labor market.

This document tells how programming is an essential competence beyond the ICT sector and the importance it has within the labor market.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Focus sectorial: Digital twins

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

A brief report explaining digital twins , their implications in the production process and their impact in the professional profiles.

A brief report explaining digital twins , their implications in the production process and their impact in the professional profiles.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


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Related Videos (5 of 7)

Sectorial testimony: Joaquín Garrido

Joaquín Garrido, computer engineer at Global SIO, talks about the importance of ICT in the future of the sector, how it will transform the work of the professionals involved and what are the new trends.

Sectorial testimony: Joaquim Minguella

Joaquim Minguella, professor of production technologies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the UPC, explains which profiles are most in demand in the manufacturing industry and 4.0 sector and what skills and knowledge professionals should have.

Sectorial testimony: Marta Vallés

Marta Vallès, co-founder of Vottun, explains the issue of the blockchain revolution within the ICT sector, which are the profiles most in demand within this field and what skills they should have.

Sectorial testimony: Josep Paradells

Josep Paradells, professor at the UPC and director of the i2CAT Foundation, talks about the importance of ICTs in the future of the sector, how they will transform the work of professionals in this area and what are the new skills required.

Jornada sectorial: Economia digital - Jordi Arrufí

Les tecnologies digitals ocupen cada vegada més un lloc clau al món professional. Jordi Arrufí, director del Programa Talent Digital del Mobile World Capital Barcelona, explica les noves tendències en l'àmbit de l'economia digital i els perfils més buscats al sector.

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Useful links (5 of 10)

ITC: sector's ecosystem

14-02-2024 |  * | English | Beginner

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem that forms the ITC sector in the city.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 22-01-2024

Indicadors laborals del Sector TIC a Barcelona 2022

30-05-2023 |  ** | Catalan | Beginner

Pràctica infografia amb les principals dades del Sector TIC a Barcelona 2022. El document està elaborat per el Departament d'Estudis de la Gerència de Política Econòmica i Desenvolupament Local

Pràctica infografia amb les principals dades del Sector TIC a Barcelona 2022. El document està elaborat per el Departament d'Estudis de la Gerència de Política Econòmica i Desenvolupament Local de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona a partir de dades del Departament d'Estadística de l'Ajuntament.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 30-05-2023

ITC Sector Infographic: Evolution and tech change

15-02-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

The ITC has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let us explain to

The ITC has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let us explain to you what these changes have been and look to the future of the sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 15-01-2023

ITC Sector Infographic: From Training to occupation

18-01-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the ITC sector, some of the most outstanding jobs and what

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the ITC sector, some of the most outstanding jobs and what the sector particularly values and demands.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022

Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnològic

30-06-2020 |  *** | Catalan | Advanced

Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnològic (BDigital) és un centre tecnològic avançat especialitzat en l'aplicació de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) en els camps de la Salut,

Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnològic (BDigital) és un centre tecnològic avançat especialitzat en l'aplicació de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) en els camps de la Salut, la Seguretat, la Mobilitat i l'energia i l'Alimentació i el Medi Ambient.

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Display Industry's jobs:

ICT Infraestructure

Digital solutions

Technical support and maintenance

Dades clau del sectorMapa conceptual Economia DigitalMapa conceptual ciberseguretat

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