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Green and Circular Economy

In contrast to the straight-line economic model involving extraction, production, consumption and elimination, the green and circular economy foments the circularity of material and energy flows in the production of a specific product. The green and circular economy seeks to optimise the use of finite resources through the circulation of products, materials or energy sources to maximise their usefulness. In turn, it promotes respect for the environment and minimising the environmental impact insofar as possible from the initial phases of the production chain through to the final consumption of the product or service. Furthermore, the momentum of this sector converges with the desire of many cities to contribute to the fight against climate change by improving energy efficiency and reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. With this in mind, cities are introducing this concept as part of their urban management approach, promoting renewable energies, encouraging sustainable mobility, smart lighting and controlling air quality.


01-2006 |  *** | Catalan | Beginner

Documents (5 of 7)

Sector overview: Green and Circular Economy

04-2024 |  * | English | Advanced

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following

This document shows data to have more information about the sector that will help you in your decisions regarding your training-work itinerary. This data is grouped into the following sections: in short, digital transformation, strengths of the sector in Barcelona, the most sought-after (professional profiles and skills) and the future of the sector

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 04-2024


Sector Report: Green and Circular Economy

12-2023 |  * | English | Beginner

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Sectoral report showing the keys to this economic area as well as the main trends, both consolidated and emerging, in activities and professional profiles and reveals future scenarios.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 12-2023


Focus sectorial: Servitisation

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

This short report tells us about servitisation, a trend for use by service instead use by ownership. The document describes this new process and the professional profiles involved.

This short report tells us about servitisation, a trend for use by service instead use by ownership. The document describes this new process and the professional profiles involved.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Focus sectorial: Energy comunities

08-2023 |  *** | English | Advanced

Short report about how energy communities work, typologies and impact on professional profiles.

Short report about how energy communities work, typologies and impact on professional profiles.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 08-2023


Compendium of resources for job search in the Green and Circular Economy

10-2022 |  *** | English | Beginner

Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the

Do you know where to find the offers that may interest you according to the sector in which you are looking for work? We put at your disposal the different job search channels in the Green and Circular Economy sector, with all the resources that may be useful to you: employment portals, recruitment companies, company directories, etc. As well as advice to guide your job search in this sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Publishing date: 10-2022


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Related Videos (3 of 3)

Sectorial testimony: Francesc Ribera

Francesc Ribera, manager of the Efficient Energy Cluster in Catalonia, explains the importance of the green and circular economy in the future, how it will transform the work of the professionals who are dedicated to it and what new skills it will demand.

Sectorial testimony: Jordi Oliver

Jordi Oliver, general director of Inèdit, talks about the importance of the green and circular economy in the future of this area, how it will transform the work of the professionals involved and what will be the new structures nedeed.

Sectorial testimony: Victor Luna.

Víctor Luna, environmentalist and vice president of the College of Environmentalists of Catalonia and CEO of EcoGIRA, highlights the importance of the green and circular economy in the future of the sector, how it will transform the work of the professionals involved and indicate the shift that the sector is making towards the energy issue.

Useful links (5 of 11)

Green and Circular Economy Sector Ingographic: sector's ecosystem

23-03-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem

Formative centres, reference clusters, guilds, colleges, city projects... All of this and much more in this infographic that will allow you to gain a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem that forms the Green and Circular Economy sector in the city.

Author: Barcelona Activa

Green and Circular Economy Sector Infographic: Evolution and tech change

15-02-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

The Green and Circular Economy has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let

The Green and Circular Economy has gone through different transformational processes and milestones in recent decades, which have impacted professionals and asked them for new skills and knowledge. Let us explain to you what these changes have been and look to the future of the sector.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 17-01-2023

Green and Circular Economy Sector Infographic: From Training to occupation

18-01-2023 |  *** | English | Beginner

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Green and Circular Economy sector, some of the most outstanding

In this infographic you will be able to consult which of the formations will allow you to access the Green and Circular Economy sector, some of the most outstanding jobs and what the sector particularly values and demands.

Author: Barcelona Activa
Date of issue: 05-12-2022

La Formació Professional i l'Economia Circular a la RMB

07-01-2021 |  ** | Catalan | Advanced

Aquest informe realitzat per la Fundació Barcelona Formació Professional presenta dades rellevants sobre el sector de l'Economia Circular i l'Ecodisseny, així com l'oferta formativa existent d'aquest àmbit.

Aquest informe realitzat per la Fundació Barcelona Formació Professional presenta dades rellevants sobre el sector de l'Economia Circular i l'Ecodisseny, així com l'oferta formativa existent d'aquest àmbit.

Date of issue: 24-11-2020

Institut Català d'Energia

01-01-2021 |  ** | Catalan | Beginner

El Institut Català d'Energia el seu objectiu és la promoció i realització d'iniciatives i acció programes per a la recerca, l'estudi i recolzats amb accions de coneixements, desenvolupament i

El Institut Català d'Energia el seu objectiu és la promoció i realització d'iniciatives i acció programes per a la recerca, l'estudi i recolzats amb accions de coneixements, desenvolupament i aplicació de tecnologies energètiques, incloses les renovables, millorant l'estalvi i eficiència energètica, la promoció del racional ús d'energia, en general, la gestió òptima de recursos energètics en els diferents sectors econòmics a Catalunya.

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