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During the 1980s, rural monitoring or rural agent bodies were gradually created in the different autonomous communities. With various approaches according to the autonomous community, these bodies have powers related to the protection and correct management of the practices they carry out in the environment. They carry out the functions of police and guard of forest, cynegetic and piscicultural assets, drovers' roads and protected areas. Certain competitive examinations must be passed to access these positions. On the other hand, there is a series of NGOs that carry out similar environmental protection tasks, which work for other NGOs, private associations, private estates, hunting reserves, etc. The primary differences with the monitoring bodies of the different administrations are that they do not have punitive powers and they have not obtained the position by passing competitive examinations.


  • Carry out tasks related to general surveillance of the natural environment via periodic routes through an assigned area.
  • Participate in the recovery of protected species through activities including monitoring, censuses and the rescue of wounded specimens.
  • Monitor and manage the uses of forestland and supervise the felling of trees as well as the state of the forest after the felling.
  • Oversee and verify the fulfilment of the cynegetic and piscicultural regulations, collect data on the abundance of or problems related to species of cynegetic interest, advise and carry out support tasks for the creation or segregation of fishing reserves and prohibited fishing areas.
  • Control access to recreational areas and motorised traffic in especially protected areas.
  • Participate in tasks of fire prevention, firstly, and fire fighting, secondly; verify the safety conditions of risky areas and infrastructures, as well as of authorised fires, and coordinate the land resources until the arrival of professional fire-fighting teams.
  • File administrative complaints for violations of the regulations or criminal complaints, in the event of an ecological offence.
  • As regards the official corps of Rural Agents, carry out land markings and woodland measurements, signage for places allocated to hunting, reserves, prohibited areas, etc.
  • Participate in the restocking of animals, including fish.
  • Coordinate volunteer teams.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE