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Social instructor


Social educators carry out socio-educational actions aimed at people suffering from social, cultural or personal issues that hinder their integration into the community. He/she performs a pedagogical task devoted to the generation of educational contexts and mediating and training actions to facilitate cultural and social promotion, understood as an opening to new possibilities for the acquisition of cultural assets which broaden the person's educational, work, leisure and social participation perspectives.

For this reason, these professionals may cater to a wide diversity of groups and intervene in different areas: education in leisure, day-care or residential services, home care, social health, civic and community action, culture, justice, social services, social and labour Integration, awareness, networks and support for entities, international cooperation, etc, during the development of their tasks.


  • Perform educational tasks for people at risk or with social issues.
    Diagnose learning criteria and needs.
    Produce, analyse and assess training programmes and plans.
    Produce or adapt teaching material and resources.
    Optimise learning and interpersonal communication strategies.
    Select, adapt or create data collection tools.
    Compile and record information about the process and the results of the education and care process. Analyse and assess intervention-interaction processes.
    Subsequently keep track of the results and impact of the training actions.
  • Guide and provide support to people in risk situations or with social issues.
    Diangose guidance and advice criteria and needs.
    Analyse and assess guidance programmes and actions.
    Design and adapt guidance programmes.
    Apply guidance programmes.
    Help people to make decisions.
    Provide advice, guidance and support to groups and individuals.
    Select, adapt or create data collection tools.
    Analyse and assess intervention-interaction processes.
    Integrate guidance actions and programmes as part of training and activities processes.
    Subsequently keep track of the results and impact of the guidance actions.
    Refer situations or cases that require intervention outside their scope to other professionals and keep track of these.
  • Lead socio-cultural activities.
    Diagnose activity leading and participation criteria and needs.
    Analyse and assess socio-cultural activity programmes.
    Plan and schedule activities.
    Promote ad channel interaction between the groups in a territory or community.
    Foster horizontal relationships.
    Stimulate and promote self-organisation among groups.
    Help groups and communities to believe and execute projects independently.
    Subsequently keep track of the results and impact of activities.
    Select, adapt or create data collection tools.
    Promote social participation and criticism.
  • Organise and manage the operations of the entity or structure responsible for providing the services (public service, cultural centre, company,...).
    Identify and use resources in the community.
    Contact and liaise with other organisations and institutions.
    Outline the institutional objectives targeted by the centre.
    Optimise the structures available.
    Seek new resources to adapt these structures to the objectives.
    Contribute to promoting the system of relationships both within and outside the centre, guided by the values the centre wishes to foster.
    Help to build up a common institutional climate and culture.
    Help to develop the organisational structure.
    Assess the organisational units within which they work.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE