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These professionals work in organisations that manage employment programmes aimed at improving the employability of the people they serve and favouring their insertion into the labour market. Specifically, within the employment and economic promotion services, these professionals are in charge of getting to know and contacting the business network of their territory, with the aim of distinguishing the demands and interests of the labour market, to guide, train and insert talent in sectors that generate economic activity and local development.

Prospection generally begins with the search for companies in the territory and a first contact, where the portfolio of service offered by the organisation is presented for all purposes. In this sense, it is important to know the activity carried out by the employment service (programmes, training, professional profile of the users), as well as to have information on recruitment, subsidies or bonuses that may be associated, in order to explore how all this catalogue fits with the needs of the company.

Based on the knowledge of the company, its productive sector and the portfolio of employment service, these professionals propose different collaborations aimed at promoting employment. Among these, the most common is intermediation, which occurs when the company needs to incorporate personnel and generates a job offer. In this case, these professionals are the ones who manage the offer and carry out the selection of participants, always in collaboration with the guidance team. But they can also establish other types of profitable collaborations to improve the employability of the users, such as managing internships for the training provided by their entity. specifying joint training projects; or other types of useful collaborations for guidance and knowledge of productive sectors, such as visits to companies or professional talks, etc.

In short, good prospection means creating and maintaining a relationship of loyalty with the companies, so that they will contact these professionals again in the event of new needs or collaborations.

Within the organisations that manage employment programmes, it is common for these professionals to be assigned to a specific programme, through which a group with special insertion difficulties is attended to. Thus, their work will be more focused on finding opportunities for these participants. In all cases, it is important that these professionals know them. In this way, their prospection will be more aligned, and they will be able to respond more accurately to the demands that may arise from companies.

Finally, these professionals can work in two types of organisations: on the one hand, public organisations, such as town councils or local autonomous bodies for economic promotion; and on the other hand, non-profit organisations in the third sector, such as associations, foundations or cooperatives, which include employment in their catalogue of services.


Knowledge of the employment service and the productive environment
  • Know the socio-economic and professional characteristics of the main groups seeking employment, especially those at risk of social exclusion, such as the long-term unemployed, the over-50s, young people with a low level of qualifications, migrants with difficulties of social integration, etc.
  • Keep up to date with the employment programmes and services of their organisation, as well as the types of contracts, subsidies or aid that may be complementary in order to establish possible collaboration channels and agreements.
  • Know the trends of the labour market, the productive sectors and especially the companies in their territory or area of influence.
Company prospection and loyalty
  • Contact and visit companies in their area of influence to provide information about the services of the organisation.
  • Detect the demands and needs of companies, adopting a facilitating role to channel solutions and explore ways of joint collaboration.
  • Build loyalty among companies in order to create a portfolio of clients or collaborating companies in their territory.
  • Send updated information (via newsletter, email or web publications or social networks) on new programmes, subsidies or other content that can generate collaborations with the business network).
Intermediation of offers
  • Manage job offers, mediating between the needs of companies and candidates, designing training actions adapted to the offer to increase the employability of candidates.
  • Organise actions that promote the rapprochement between companies and job seekers: recruitment activities, interview and networking spaces, talks given by professionals, etc.
  • Coordinate and support the task of the counselling staff to facilitate the transition of participants towards the insertion in the labour market, for example by accompanying the insertion and the subsequent follow-up of the participants inserted in the labour market.
Service management
  • Manage the information and documentation of the programme or service according to the procedures and IT tools of their organisation for the correct management and justification of the actions.
  • Keep the database of the local business market updated.
  • Draw up reports and monitoring and impact indicators for the different actions related to the service or programme to which they are assigned.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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