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The head of studies is the professional who, in addition to carrying out teaching tasks, also directs, under the authority of the director of the educational centre, everything related to the academic regime, that is, he/she coordinates the education services of the centre, supports teachers, plans training, etc. This professional is employed in primary, secondary or vocational training centres and can also act as director of the centre.


The tasks of the head of studies are specified below:
  • Participate in the drafting and review of the educational project for the centre, includig the regulations for its organisation and operation, linguistic project, among others aspects that are determined by the corresponding Department of Education and/or Culture.
  • Coordinate academic and guidance activities that complement the teaching staff and students regarding the educational project, and ensure its execution.
  • Draft, in collaboration with the rest of the school staff, the academic schedules of the students and teaching staff in accordance with the criteria approved by the staff meeting, and ensure their application.
  • Distribute the groups of students and teachers in the classrooms or other teaching spaces of the centre according to the nature of the academic activity taking place.
  • Coordinate the activities of the centre together with the people responsible for each.
  • Direct and coordinate the action of the tutors.
  • Coordinate the progress of meetings to evaluate the academic activity.
  • Establish the mechanisms to cover any absences among teaching staff, student needs or any other eventuality.
  • Establish the mechanisms for coordination with nearby educational centres.
  • Provide training in the subject he/she is specialised in.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE