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Docent d'educació física
Physical education teachers are the professionals who teach the subject of Physical Education, which is part of the compulsory curriculum in the different educational stages. In this sense, Physical Education should be understood as the planned, progressive and inclusive learning experience that acts as the starting point for a lifelong commitment to physical activity and sport. The learning experience offered to students through physical education classes should be appropriate to help them acquire the psychomotor skills, cognitive understanding, and social and emotional skills they need to lead a physically active lifestyle.
Therefore, they adapt the contents for each student, providing the appropriate pedagogical methods to acquire basic skills such as:
Healthy physical activity: from the early stages they work with basic motor skills to put into operation the elementary motor and gestural schemes for the proper development of physical fitness and the adoption of an active lifestyle.
Sport, effectively applying the techniques and tactics of different sports and putting into practice the values of sport in a competitive situation.
Physical activity and free time, enjoying the practice of recreational physical activities, with special attention to those carried out in the natural environment, as well as planning and organising group activities for leisure purposes.
Body expression and communication, using the expressive resources of one's own body for self-knowledge and to communicate with others as well as practicing activities with musical support, as a means of social relationship or community integration.
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h