Social workers are in charge of promoting the social well-being of individuals, groups and communities through prevention work and responding to specific problems. Their objective is to facilitate social cohesion in times of change and to articulate support and protection for the most vulnerable members of the community.
Their work is carried out thanks to the mechanism of basic social care services, through which they can learn about, intervene and prevent situations of conflict, need or social exclusion in coordination with a multidisciplinary technical team.
These professionals work at different levels of intervention. The first one is directly with users: guiding, informing and helping them in specific situations (situations of violence, basic needs or economic losses, among others). In these cases, they give specific information and advice on existing benefits and resources; process and monitor benefits or carry out referral proposals to appropriate specialised care social services.
At a second level, they are responsible for the detection and prevention of situations of vulnerability within the community, working for example with marginalised groups or with problems of social integration, analysing their demands and the social needs of the area in particular and managing social services or the most beneficial community work.
And at a third more macro level, work with an emphasis on social policies, planning interventions aimed at promoting change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment of people under the principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversity.
Social workers are a required professional in different areas and their specific functions will vary depending on the characteristics of the people they serve or the centre where they work: prisons, adoption and foster care processes, the health sector, the field of mental health and addictions or social health centres, among others.
© Barcelona Activa 2023
Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22
Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h