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Student information specialist and counsellor.


The professional counsellor carries out tasks based on a personal relationship with young students, aimed at preventing academic failure and improving the education process (especially in the case of people with disabilities and those with greater learning difficulties) in order to ensure that the socio-educational centres appropriately meet the educational needs of their participants, regardless of their individual characteristics. The student information specialist and counsellor participates in the phases to design the students' educational programme, which can be carried out both within and outside the educational centre.


  • Gather information on the training opportunities in the area where they are located.
    Identify, carry out an inventory and use the training resources in the area, whether these are formal or not.
    Identify, carry out an inventory and use the resources in the area with regard to employment and training-work rotation.
  • Guide and advise the students on the creation of their educational programme, in accordance with their interests.
    Using training and work assessment tools and procedures, identify the educational needs of the students, in accordance with their curricular objectives.
    Identify the students' fields of professional interest using assessment tools.
    Draw up personalised guidance reports and contribute to the creation of the education and training programmes, setting objectives and resources.
  • Inform the students on the current educational system and the possibilities of each of the subsystems that comprise it.
    Identify and provide information on the career opportunities of each of the training programmes.
    Identify and provide information on the systems of financial aid for students.
    Identify and provide information on the institutions involved, the educational system calendars, the requirements and bureaucratic and administrative procedures that comprise each level of the current education system, as well as the obtainment of each degree recognition level.
  • Provide information and advise on the possibilities of education processes abroad.
  • Carry out a deferred follow-up of the results and the impact of the sessions of guidance, counselling and advice.
    Guide the students' education and training projects in a different direction, if necessary.
    Monitor the school-work transition process of the students.
    Refer students to other professionals or services that can continue the counselling task, from the field of the guidance and socio-labour insertion.
  • Provide information and guide, from an educational psychology perspective, people with learning difficulties and the professionals who assist them.
    Determine, analyse and assess the special learning needs of individuals who require special attention.
    Design and adapt educational guidance programmes in order to facilitate the teaching / learning process.
    Provide information and advise the teaching staff on the adaptation of the curricular project to the needs of these groups.
    Advise the teaching staff on the creation or adaptation of teaching materials and resources, espcially those designed for individuals with learning difficulties.
    Identiy and carry out an inventory of the educational and training resources in their area, which are aimed at groups with special learning difficulties.
    Send the groups with special learning difficulties to other education programmes or systems that are more suitable, attending to the needs of the individuals.
  • Establish contacts between the training centres, administrations and companies in order to provide resources to their students.
    Establish collaboration ties with agents and institutions that are involved in the area in the field of learning, training and employment.
    Coordinate with these agents or institutions in order to jointly obtain more resources that allow for the optimisation of their services.
    Coordinate with these agents or institutions in order to promote actions that foster the adaptation of the training offered and the needs of the users in the area in which they work.
  • Participate in the organisation and management of the educational institution's activity.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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