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Learning process optimizer; Educational counsellor


The educational psychology advisor and counsellor carries out actions aimed at prevention through education and the better carrying out of the educational process (especially in the case of persons with a disability who have greater learning difficulties). Their objective is to ensure that the socio-educational centres appropriately meet the educational needs of their participants, regardless of the person's individual characteristics.


Educational psychology advisors and counsellors carry out the following tasks:
  • Reinforcement of personal, academic and professional orientation to students in coordination with teachers, form teachers and the rest of the teaching team. Carry out school and vocational orientation and advise on the schooling of students at the beginning of each educational stage.
  • Advice on the design, monitoring and evaluation of life projects to be carried out by students within the guiding function established in the centre and specified in the Tutorial Action Plan (Pla d'Acció Tutorial in Catalan). Detect the difficulties or problems concerning development and learning through the psychopedagogical evaluation and propose the most appropriate psychoeducational actions in each case.
  • Advice to teachers and families on specific strategies, programs and activities related to the personal, academic and professional orientation to students. Advise on the design of assessment procedures and instruments in learning and teaching processes, provide the teaching team with resources and skills and advise them on teaching methods and strategies. Collaborate in the process of elaboration, evaluation and revision of curricular projects, participate in the elaboration of curricular adaptations and in the programming of recovery and reinforcement activities. Participate in the permanent training of teachers and promote collaboration and exchange of experiences among the different centres. Advise families on aspects of personal, educational and professional orientation related to their children.
  • Psychopedagogical evaluation not only of the curricular competences and the individual characteristics of students but also of the working atmosphere and relationships among students.
  • Coordination of the strategies, resources, programs and measures in relation to the attention to the diversity of the students in close collaboration with the professional and psychopedagogical counselling team. Identify and evaluate the special educational needs of students, in collaboration with other professionals, and optimize the educational process for people with disabilities or who have difficulties during the learning process. Participate in the preparation and monitoring of the various types of curricular adaptations that students may need and advise teaching teams on the management of learning processes in cases of difficulty.
  • Identification and coordination (together with the psychopedagogical advisory team) of all the services and entities that collaborate in offering specific attention to students.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE