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The concept "police officer" encompasses all police forces made up of agents of the authority and whose fundamental mission is to guarantee citizen coexistence and compliance with the rights and duties of citizens.
The police forces that assume this function are, fundamentally, the Mossos in the whole of the territory of the current Autonomous Community of Catalonia and the local police forces in the municipalities. There are also police forces that depend on the Central State Administration, such as the National Police and the Civil Guard, with more specific and restricted functions, such as those related to airports or territorial waters, among others.

Generally speaking, the agents assume the function of guaranteeing public safety and public order, preventing and neutralising situations of risk for people and property, and also carry out judicial police functions in criminal investigation processes, including organised crime and terrorism. They also deal with the amicable resolution of private conflicts and cooperation and collaboration with local authorities. Other functions of public safety officers are road and traffic safety, working to prevent and neutralise situations of risk to the safety of people and property on interurban roads and, where appropriate, urban roads. They also collaborate in emergency and civil protection matters.


  • Protect people and property and maintain public order.
  • Prevent criminal acts.
  • Watch over and protect people, authorities, buildings, establishments, and dependencies of the Public Administration, as well as to guarantee the normal functioning of the installations and the safety of the users of the services.
  • Help in cases of accident, catastrophe or public calamity, and participate in the execution of civil protection plans in the manner determined by law.
  • Help in rescue operations, if required.
  • Monitor public spaces, protect demonstrations, and maintain order in large concentrations of people.
  • Ensure compliance with the law. Inspect activities subject to regulation by the public administration and report any illegal activity and guarantee the functioning of essential public services.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations on the environment, water resources and hunting, fishing forestry and any other type of wealth related to nature conservation.
  • Ensure compliance with the regulations on cultural heritage, in terms of safeguarding and protecting it and to prevent its plundering or destruction.
  • Carry out judicial police functions.
  • Coordinate between the different police forces for the fulfilment of their functions.

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Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE