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Researcher for R&D dealing with water treatment and/or desalination

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These types of professionals work within companies specialising in the integrated management of industrial waste and water production and management. They normally form part of specialised R&D departments working in the fields of desalination and water reuse, and thus often work for large companies or technological centres dedicated to this type of activity. This is a distinctly technical occupation, in which it is important that professionals possess a broad and thorough knowledge of the water sector. These professionals' aim is to generate knowledge related to the fields of desalination and water treatment and reuse. Researchers' working dynamic thus revolves around their involvement in various research projects in which they collaborate with universities and other research centres.


  • Participates in the execution of research projects, answering to the director or coordinator. Within the project he/she will be assigned responsibility for coordinating R&D work to be executed under the specified conditions and quality standards. The types of project involved include the following:
    - Developing, assessing and improving the performance of technologies associated with water processes (harvesting, treatment, reuse, desalination, etc.).
    - Researching and developing new processes with the aim of making substantial improvements (reducing costs or environmental impact, etc.).
    - Developing improved treatment and desalination techniques and testing advanced treatment systems.
  • They work alongside other key figures in the industry (public and private companies, technology and research centres, universities, authorities and associations, etc.). Depending on the scope of their responsibility, they must supervise and coordinate the work carried out by these partners, ensuring quality and forecasting results.
  • Where the laboratory is concerned, they conduct tests, trials and experiments in order to classify water. They record the necessary data in order to conduct an analysis and subsequently infer conclusions of relevance to the project.
  • They analyse and collate scientific and technological information related to the research.
  • They may occasionally be required to train other members of the R&D team or other partners involved in the execution of the project.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE