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Adam; batman; movement area operations technician.


Runway agents are responsible for guiding the pilot during taxiing before takeoff and for directing taxiing while the plane is on the tarmac. These taxiing maneuvers are the operations required to situate the plane on the runway or return it to the parking area.


  • Guide the pilot during taxiing, the manoeuvres required to move the aircraft from the boarding gate to the foot of the runway or its stand. That is why there is a follow me car to show the pilot the place assigned for takeoff or to park the plane.
    Contact the operations center (CEOPS) for information on where to lead the plane that is about to to land.
    Use a visual signal code to communicate with the pilot. The most often used signaling devices red disks during the day or yellow lights at night.
    Help the pilot park the plane correctly if there are no approach guides (to simplify the maneuver).
  • Aid in the operations for plane takeoffs.
    Maintain constant communication with the control tower, the operations center, the taxiiing control center and other runway agents involved in aircraft movements.
  • Control the vehicles and people in aircraft movement areas by inspecting their documentation.
  • Supervise compliance with operational and security regulations.
    Whenever applicable, report to the authorities in charge.
    Make sure that airline companies and operators comply with regulations for the environment (waste) and risk prevention.
  • Review the airport's condition to keep it in perfect operating order. There could be bird' nests or other species that put aircraft operations at risk.
  • In the event of an airport emergency, guide any vehicles that need to travel on the tarmac: firefighters, ambulances, etc.
  • Perform other tasks according to the particularities of each airport: from seeing to passenger transport in small airports to the capture of animals that have invaded the tarmac, for example.
  • Radio communication with the control tower for any manoeuvre involving towing or traction.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE