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Get to know this occupation


The logistics engineering technician carries out his duties under the lead of the logistics engineering manager. This professional intervenes in the design, calculation and organisation of the logistics chain. He consequently designs the application of new logistics processes, technology and infrastructures required to optimise the flow of materials and information throughout the supply chain, that is, from the delivery of materials to the production plant to their distribution, once transformed, to the end customer. Reports to the logistics engineering Director.


  • Analyse and draw up design charts.
  • Work out the needs of the logistics department.
  • Work out which maintenance items are needed in the plant or warehouse.
  • Study optimal packaging, stock and transport methods.
  • Work out logistics chain staff needs.
  • Suggest and implement industrial improvement processes.
  • Supervise the proper use of plant machinery and facilities, maintenance and provision systems.
  • Manage production processes to guarantee the quantity, quality and cost standards established by the company.
  • Implement the industrial technology policy applicable to logistics processes.
  • Provides advice on the IT to be used.
  • Define the EDI messaging system (electronic data exchange system) to be used.
  • Enter the relevant information in the systems to draw up lists or indicators.
  • Plan the automation of logistics processes.
  • Handle the purchase of logistics systems, renew and look after maintenance equipment.
  • Program and control production.
  • Analyse and and solve technical problems related to the supply chain.
  • Maximise flexibility and stock in specific areas.
  • Assess supply and distribution proceduresand try to meet JIT (Just In Time) methodology objectives, that is, to produce with the minimum possible amount of stock.
  • Provide advice on supply procedures, internal stock management and associated flow in order to prevent incidents.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE